Thursday, January 7, 2021

Capital Punishment Meets Capitol Differences

Uh Oh. There has been a sighting. Flames coming soon. Enjoy the preview for now. Capital Punishment Meets Capitol Differences Ma!!! Diddy back at it again!! Hello to all of my beautiful people out there. Don’t call it comeback, I’ve been here for years. Allow Me to reintroduce Myself, I am Truthfully Speaking, AKA Your Favorite Poet’s Favorite Poet, AKA PDiddy Still Runs the City, AKA To Err is Human, AKA God Made Me, You Hate Me, AKA you hold the mic, I AM the Mic.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Straight Quack

Straight Quack

I have never watched one episode of Duck Dynasty. Never bought into the hype, but I have friends that watch it. I never had to see an episode of the show to kind of figure out Phil Robertson's beliefs. He is who he is. Honestly, I am not writing this to take issue with his remarks. He has the right to say what he wants under the First Amendment and I can respect that. I also think that mainstream media sets people up sometimes under that same guise HOPING that you will speak your mind and say something juicy for them to report. I love truth. It means that I don't have to wonder what you are thinking or speculate about you. He has a platform with his show to reach millions so his WORDS matter, but the conglomerate that is backing him has the same right to shut him down that he has to say what he wants. 

So, I am tired of people saying that others are too sensitive to words. Let's stop it. Those same people would be offended if you called them BIT$H or WHO$E or SL%T. If they didn't get offended then someone in their family or circle would get offended, defend them and then they would in turn defend THEM because they were called whatever. I know it and you know it so please STOP it. 

I'm not gay so what he said in regards to that didn't offend me as much as the other part of what he said. I do, however, feel that leaning on the Old Testament to point out homosexuality and making your personal judgements about them is hypocritical. The Old Testament also talks about loving thy neighbor and not judging them. That's like being against abortion by quoting the commandment Thou Shalt not Kill, but also being pro death penalty. Doesn't make sense. 

I DO have an issue with his slight history lesson stating that he farmed with black people and all they did was sing songs and that they were happy. REALLY?  Maybe it's just me, but if he is that old and lived in THAT time in THAT state, I can almost guarantee that there were not too many teeth being shown from smiles and not that many songs of joy going on. If you are going to tell the story, tell the WHOLE story. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Parental Advisory

I want to start this off by saying I am so thankful to my true followers and new listeners. The revolution will not be televised but it will be written in blood on stone. 

That all being said, I will now say for all to see that BeyoncĂ© is a GENIUS. As a musician, I will say that this album took some great risks musically and I personally think that she knocked out of the park. As a writer, I will say that lyrically she was open and unfiltered. I think that she had some stuff to get off of her chest and she showed another side of herself. And looking at this from a business standpoint, the approach was unmatched. As of today, she has sold over 600,000 copies. In FOUR days. Just think about that for one second and let it sink in. NO promotion. NO radio. NO single. NO money spent on any of that. Just her name. Genius. 

All of that being out of the way, let's get to the meat of this post. I keep reading about parents who are upset at Queen Bey for the content of this album. They are using terms like reckless. Irresponsible. Filthy. Not age appropriate. Let me say to every parent that uses these terms in reference to your child being subjected to this album or any other grown album with adult words and content on them; DIE...Kill yourself. Today. Death be unto you. 

Any parent that allows any child to listen to a grown adult artist without first listening to it yourself is wrong. I have read where parents are saying where is the woman that sang Survivor? Is she or any other artist not allowed to evolve and discuss ADULT topics? Maybe your child shouldn't have the freedom to listen to any and everything. Maybe, just maybe, parents should be parents and stop trying to let artists and channels such as BET or sites like WorldStar raise your kids. Maybe the issue is that you find it cute to see your kid twerking online, but have nothing to say about their homework. Maybe the issue is that they can tell you all about Miley Cyrus' latest antics, but can't tell you a thing about Malcolm X's plight and movement. Maybe I am just overreacting to their overreaction. Maybe. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013



This week I was called a nigger. Word?? Word. Actually, let me start at the beginning. I made a post and someone didn't agree with what I said. Now, anyone that knows me also knows that I have only two reactions to most things. I will either go from 0-100 in 2.2 seconds or I will breathe, think and have a come back that will make you seem very small. This time, I thankfully chose the latter. It did, however, start a big thing and really made me thing. A former classmate of mine re-posted the comments and then he became a victim of the ignorance. He instantly became a nigger. Word??? Word!!!  

Those that know me are also aware of the fact that nigger is not in my vocabulary. I don't use it around friends. I don't use it around family. I don't use it in my writing. The word has no power to me or over me, but I respect its history. I respect the history of a lot of words actually. Word??? Word!!!  I have read in some comments where people stated that it is just a word and has no meaning in this day and age. Word?  I have read comments where people compared it the words honky and cracker. Word?  Yes, word; and those comments made me think. I learned in the fourth grade from Ms. Wells that honky came from white people themselves. It was used in reference to them driving up in their cars and honking the horn to announce their arrival. To honk. Honky. A person that honks. No viciousness. No malice. A playful nickname that they called themselves. I also learned from this same teacher that the term cracker was a name used during the slavery period. It was a name given to the person that was in charge of disciplining the slaves by way of the whip. The whip when used in its masterful way would make a loud and distinct cracking sound. "Send them over to the person that makes that whip crack so well". That soon became, "send them over to the cracker". Word??? Word!!!  
The word nigger is derived from the word negro, which in most languages means black. Another derivative of that word is noir.  I don't need to explain the histrionics of how the word was used. I will tell you that now, in a dictionary, it means ignorance. So me, in all of my educated glory, being called a nigger is just wrong. I personally can take offense to being called that. My friend Joel, can take offense to that, but the truth of the matter is, we didn't. Do you know why?  Because we KNOW that we aren't niggers. Black men? Yes!  Educated, intelligent brothers? Yes!  Men? Most definitely. That's why there was and will be no back and forth or name calling coming back at that person or any other person that decides to use that word with malice towards me. You have one word that will define you. I have over a million more that will prove you wrong. Word??? WORDS!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Full Circles

So I have been asked why black people get so militant and stick up for each other as a race so much. Well, the simplest answer that I can provide is that in a lot of ways, we, as in the people in this country, still suffer from the slave mentality. Just as the masters and the their family stick up for; excuse me, stuck up for the other masters and THEIR families, we stick up for other people like us. If you look at it, the entire country STILL suffers from a cyclical slave, master and plantation mentality. Think about it. Slaves were pitted against each other from the onset. You had the house slaves that looked down on the field slaves. The field slaves hated the house slaves. The butler abhorred all of them because he thought that he was the master's right hand while the master's left hand was up the dress of the butler's wife's dress. Meanwhile, the master's wife was mostly in charge of the house slaves and would pit then against the field slaves of the time all the while she was finding the nearest pit in the field to be taken by a slave. The master would find out that his wife was getting smashed, the butler would be in charge of punishing the field slave, the wife of the butler would be in charge of cleaning the wife, the field slave would be beaten, sold and/or killed and the master would continue to make his money all while still sleeping with the butler's wife behind his own hypocritical views. In all of that you have black on black crime (still relevant today), hypocritical politics (still relevant today) and we wonder why we can't all get along. History dictates the actions of future behavior. Everything has changed, yet nothing really has. Hatred is still alive, it just has greener eyes. Slavery is still present, just has a different master. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So I have been silently following the Paula Deen situation and I must say that I am appalled and disappointed. I am disappointed in her because I actually enjoy her shows and she has let this situation take this away from me. I am disappointed that she put herself in this situation. Being from the South does not excuse ignorance, it only somewhat explains it and even that is a stretch. 
I am disappointed in her "supporters" also. If you really think that the last time that she used this word was over 30 years ago then you are just as ignorant as she portrays herself to be. And PLEASE stop quoting the Bible in support of her by saying He who is without sin cast ye the first stone. You are using that as a cop out and as workaround to the real issue. She is not being judged. She is being held accountable and those are two different things. 
Lastly, I am appalled at us. Black people. The so called "victims" of this situation. Now, I can write this because it is well known that I personally don't use the "word". I don't like the way that "we" use it as a greeting. So yes, to my brothers and sisters out there, I am appalled at us. Doing research on the word, I came across the following definition:


Web definitions
nigger: (ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a Black person; "only a Black can call another Black a nigga".

Truthfully Speaking, THAT is what WE have caused. THAT is what we have allowed to 
Define us.  PRINCETON has defined the
 "word" like that. We have Paula Deen'd ourselves for years and NOW you want to be 
offended?  The nerve of you. The gall of us. I am not defending her in no way shape or
 form but this definition should be a wake 
up call to someone. 

Let me leave you with this last thought. For the people that say since we say it then it 
shouldn't be an issue; take this following 
thought into deep consideration. I hear 
women,black and white calling themselves 
the "B" word constantly. Bad bitches. Top Bitches. 
What's up Bitch. Now, aren't you at least a 
little offended when a man calls you that? 
Just a little? There is also a popular tour 
called the Redneck Comedy Tour. Jeff 
Foxworthy. Larry the Cable Guy. They call 
themselves rednecks constantly. Wouldn't 
you be a little offended if someone of color called you that? Just a little?  If not, then 
just accept MY Truth while I'm standing 
next to two bad bitches and a redneck 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

From Slit Wrists to Healed Wounds

From Slit Wrists to Healed Wounds

I apologize, I didn't mean to offend
But it's hard for me to just sit back and pretend
That I'm not offended by someone I befriended 
Before I knew the whole truth and now that friendship has ended
Turned out that two faces can be blended 
And once deconstructed through time and effort
There is now way in hell that fences will ever be mended
Although it's been recommended that I be mature, you know, build a bridge and get over it
Picture that with a Kodak when it is usually the ones that need forgiveness came out of their mouth and quoted it
But see, I'm much older kid
And I remember things from the past that hardened my heart and my life thus far has only further molded it
Like a used funeral chair, sometimes I folded kid
But I promise to straighten out one day and drop a few jewels
Here, stick out your hand and hold it kid
What's that scar on my wrist?
That's a reminder of time of when I wanted to cease and desist
End this life as I knew it
When I wanted to cease to exist
I was beat down by the fights
I was weary from the nights
I was drowning in a pool of hate alone in the dark 
I was was tired of searching for the lights
A dark mind struggling to keep itself bright
Broken mirrors all around me because I just couldn't stand the sight
Of me
Of him
Of them
Of us

Let me tell the story from the's mind blowing, Trust