Tuesday, December 10, 2013



This week I was called a nigger. Word?? Word. Actually, let me start at the beginning. I made a post and someone didn't agree with what I said. Now, anyone that knows me also knows that I have only two reactions to most things. I will either go from 0-100 in 2.2 seconds or I will breathe, think and have a come back that will make you seem very small. This time, I thankfully chose the latter. It did, however, start a big thing and really made me thing. A former classmate of mine re-posted the comments and then he became a victim of the ignorance. He instantly became a nigger. Word??? Word!!!  

Those that know me are also aware of the fact that nigger is not in my vocabulary. I don't use it around friends. I don't use it around family. I don't use it in my writing. The word has no power to me or over me, but I respect its history. I respect the history of a lot of words actually. Word??? Word!!!  I have read in some comments where people stated that it is just a word and has no meaning in this day and age. Word?  I have read comments where people compared it the words honky and cracker. Word?  Yes, word; and those comments made me think. I learned in the fourth grade from Ms. Wells that honky came from white people themselves. It was used in reference to them driving up in their cars and honking the horn to announce their arrival. To honk. Honky. A person that honks. No viciousness. No malice. A playful nickname that they called themselves. I also learned from this same teacher that the term cracker was a name used during the slavery period. It was a name given to the person that was in charge of disciplining the slaves by way of the whip. The whip when used in its masterful way would make a loud and distinct cracking sound. "Send them over to the person that makes that whip crack so well". That soon became, "send them over to the cracker". Word??? Word!!!  
The word nigger is derived from the word negro, which in most languages means black. Another derivative of that word is noir.  I don't need to explain the histrionics of how the word was used. I will tell you that now, in a dictionary, it means ignorance. So me, in all of my educated glory, being called a nigger is just wrong. I personally can take offense to being called that. My friend Joel, can take offense to that, but the truth of the matter is, we didn't. Do you know why?  Because we KNOW that we aren't niggers. Black men? Yes!  Educated, intelligent brothers? Yes!  Men? Most definitely. That's why there was and will be no back and forth or name calling coming back at that person or any other person that decides to use that word with malice towards me. You have one word that will define you. I have over a million more that will prove you wrong. Word??? WORDS!!!!