Thursday, December 19, 2013

Straight Quack

Straight Quack

I have never watched one episode of Duck Dynasty. Never bought into the hype, but I have friends that watch it. I never had to see an episode of the show to kind of figure out Phil Robertson's beliefs. He is who he is. Honestly, I am not writing this to take issue with his remarks. He has the right to say what he wants under the First Amendment and I can respect that. I also think that mainstream media sets people up sometimes under that same guise HOPING that you will speak your mind and say something juicy for them to report. I love truth. It means that I don't have to wonder what you are thinking or speculate about you. He has a platform with his show to reach millions so his WORDS matter, but the conglomerate that is backing him has the same right to shut him down that he has to say what he wants. 

So, I am tired of people saying that others are too sensitive to words. Let's stop it. Those same people would be offended if you called them BIT$H or WHO$E or SL%T. If they didn't get offended then someone in their family or circle would get offended, defend them and then they would in turn defend THEM because they were called whatever. I know it and you know it so please STOP it. 

I'm not gay so what he said in regards to that didn't offend me as much as the other part of what he said. I do, however, feel that leaning on the Old Testament to point out homosexuality and making your personal judgements about them is hypocritical. The Old Testament also talks about loving thy neighbor and not judging them. That's like being against abortion by quoting the commandment Thou Shalt not Kill, but also being pro death penalty. Doesn't make sense. 

I DO have an issue with his slight history lesson stating that he farmed with black people and all they did was sing songs and that they were happy. REALLY?  Maybe it's just me, but if he is that old and lived in THAT time in THAT state, I can almost guarantee that there were not too many teeth being shown from smiles and not that many songs of joy going on. If you are going to tell the story, tell the WHOLE story.