Monday, December 16, 2013

Parental Advisory

I want to start this off by saying I am so thankful to my true followers and new listeners. The revolution will not be televised but it will be written in blood on stone. 

That all being said, I will now say for all to see that BeyoncĂ© is a GENIUS. As a musician, I will say that this album took some great risks musically and I personally think that she knocked out of the park. As a writer, I will say that lyrically she was open and unfiltered. I think that she had some stuff to get off of her chest and she showed another side of herself. And looking at this from a business standpoint, the approach was unmatched. As of today, she has sold over 600,000 copies. In FOUR days. Just think about that for one second and let it sink in. NO promotion. NO radio. NO single. NO money spent on any of that. Just her name. Genius. 

All of that being out of the way, let's get to the meat of this post. I keep reading about parents who are upset at Queen Bey for the content of this album. They are using terms like reckless. Irresponsible. Filthy. Not age appropriate. Let me say to every parent that uses these terms in reference to your child being subjected to this album or any other grown album with adult words and content on them; DIE...Kill yourself. Today. Death be unto you. 

Any parent that allows any child to listen to a grown adult artist without first listening to it yourself is wrong. I have read where parents are saying where is the woman that sang Survivor? Is she or any other artist not allowed to evolve and discuss ADULT topics? Maybe your child shouldn't have the freedom to listen to any and everything. Maybe, just maybe, parents should be parents and stop trying to let artists and channels such as BET or sites like WorldStar raise your kids. Maybe the issue is that you find it cute to see your kid twerking online, but have nothing to say about their homework. Maybe the issue is that they can tell you all about Miley Cyrus' latest antics, but can't tell you a thing about Malcolm X's plight and movement. Maybe I am just overreacting to their overreaction. Maybe.