Monday, March 14, 2011

Lovely Ghosts...Verse XI

Verse XI

As I sit her on a string of clouds, I honestly despise Love for killing Soul. Maybe it was all just justified though. Soul mocked Love and believed that what we had transcended Love. Lovely ghosts were called in and Love had the last laugh. I have come to the conclusion that life sucks and hurt swallows. Pain came three times and love fell asleep. Trust ended pregnant by lies and birthed hatred and betrayal. Soul mocked Love and I ended up paying the price. I bled for a week, but the cleansing did no good. The period that I endured started in blood and ended in darkness. Honestly, from up here, the lovely ghosts look mighty tempting.


Bleeding Heart

My heart bleeds
Painfully tattered
Piece by piece it crumbles to the ground
It beats slowly
Not like that of a pulse, but more closely resembling a clock with a dying battery
No longer do I feel like I did in the past
Memories have scorned my once loving organ
Its color no longer red as blood
Instead it is filled with darkness
Overcome with sadness, anger and betrayal
One last drop leaves my body
The final taste of happiness or hope
It dries
Cracks to pieces with no expectations to return to its previous state