Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lovely Ghosts...Verse V

Right before the light shone onto the plains this morning, I took a walk through a field of sunflowers. I needed Soul and he was nowhere to be found. Missing him, I noticed the perfect imperfections of each flower and I thought of us. Soul was the stem that kept us rooted. He searched endlessly for the water to keep us alive even in a drought. As I walked carefully as not to crush the beauty before me, I could hear Soul whispering to me that I was the seed that desperately tried to keep fed.  He reminded me that he was the brown inner ring, muted in demeanor contrasting with me, the bright yellow petals that everyone noticed. I looked at this beautiful flower and saw that it was us, Spirit and Soul. Just as my revelation began to take hold, the lovely ghosts entered the field and began to carry me away. It was at that moment that the wind blew and the flower separated. 


When God created roses
he had perfection in mind
from the flawless curves of each petal
down to the jagged edges of the stems
fragrant and delicate
to be treasured and appreciated
for their intricate beauty
When he created tulips
simplicity was key
nothing extraordinary about them
rounded edges and bright colors
yet each one looks similar to the next

When he created sunflowers
he took extra measures
to make a flower than stood out from the rest
unique in design
having a personality all of its own
to be appreciated for their lack of perfection

When I think of sunflowers
I think of you
because I love you for your imperfections
and you love me for mine