Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lovely Ghosts...Verse IV

Verse IV

Tonight my heart tried to escape its confines. Who would have ever thought that Soul had a heart? Well, I do and tonight it got tired of the pain and tried to beat its way out of me and into a new vessel. Maybe it was because I smoked love, inhaled forever, choked on lies, exhaled hatred and lost my voice in the process. It could have been because I filled a needle with desire, shot it into a busted vein of misery and found myself nodding in desperation. I became an addict and my heart just couldn’t take any more. I was 14 steps away from a 12 step program, but the meeting was full and I was never much on coins anyway. The lovely ghosts are standing on the corner waiting on me to slip again, but you know what; cold turkey tastes pretty good today.

Magnetic Addiction

Two moths drawn to the same fire
Try as they might, the desire
Was mutual
It stemmed from something higher
Than the heart or the gods
It was a need. It was a burning
It was addiction
Opposite sides of the universe and they were still drawn together
One desired eternity and the other promised forever
Contrary to popular belief, they were birds of a different feather somehow cut by the same cloth
The stars lit their path and the comets navigated
The moon was the GPS, which left the sun aggravated
All because he wanted to be their light
And in any other union he would be
Maybe in a perfect world he should be
But in leading two cosmic magnates, he never could be
Two moths, drawn to the same fire
Both perishing together