Monday, March 7, 2011

Lovely Ghosts...Verse I

Lovely Ghosts

Verse I

I have known Spirit my entire life, but we didn’t become acquainted until I had grown a little. She was what I had been missing since the beginning of time. Her voice was an angelic chorus that never missed a note. She was the future to my past and the present to my eternity. Love with us was just a word, not an action or a feeling; it went deeper than that for Spirit and Soul. I don’t think that there is or will be a word that will ever be able to fit our connection. Spirit was the air that Soul breathed and Soul was the blood pumping through the veins of Spirit. Spirit was Soul; Soul is Spirit.

The Eyes of Soul

Your eyes tell all of the pain from the past
As well as the hopes of the future
Pulling me in to tell a tale
Openly I embrace, entering the vast unknown
A world unlike my own
No matter how hard I try, understanding is not found
The doorway to Soul is just as complicated as your thoughts
I cannot help but to be intrigued
You try to throw me off by giving me a slight smile
Or by caressing me with your hands, but my focus remains intent
Wishing for a way to feel all of the things that you do
Hoping for the means to see all that you have seen
Wondering if you ever think of me the same
Unlike you, my thoughts are quite simple
The feelings could never be hidden and all emotions are worn on the exterior
If ever asked my favorite feature
Your eyes will be the answer for the always keep me guessing
And I love getting lost
In Soul