Friday, January 14, 2011

Are We There Yet???

Are We There Yet???

This may sound like a simple question, but Are We There Yet? As men, have we in all actuality accepted the fact that we are Kings? Look beyond the excuses and the “reasons” to the contrary; are WE doing everything that we can to exude “royalty”? Are we on a path that we are leading or are we still making excuses and following? Are We There Yet? As women, are you ready to accept your role and your place? I am not saying taking back to the cave days, but are you ready to start being women and realize that regardless of what you do, how you do it or the number of times that you do it, you are not a man. I know that some of you are raising children on your own, working just as hard as a man and making other countless sacrifices, but it is time for you (women) to start accepting docility and humility instead of the hard ways and actions of men. I am not saying change who you are; just maybe change the way you are and you may start seeing better results. Are We There Yet? As parents, are we ready to accept that our children being the future was not just a cute lyric of a song, but it was a proclamation? So many times we are letting our children act like adults and then we are amazed and disappointed when they either don’t listen to us or do adult things. Instead of laughing and putting your child on You Tube because they can Dougie, maybe we should be spending quality time with them making sure that they know how to read, write, do math, have manners and know how to act in public. Just a suggestion, but Are We There Yet? Truthfully Speaking, we AREN’T There yet, but I have faith and confidence that we all will be. It’s going to take sacrifice, time and a lot of self-reflection, but we can get there. A few years ago we were all screaming out “Yes We Can” as a declaration; a proclamation. I would love to see us take that same attitude towards our own lives and make it personal. Yes I Can!!! Yes I Will!!! I truly decided to write this because I am deeply concerned about your futures; the youth. The Truth is, they are watching and learning from us. WE have to be the example that we want our children to grow up emulating. Kanye West was talking to me last night and he told me something. I’ve got the Power. Me. You. Us. We have the power to mold and create. My power is to inform, entertain and educate. Use your power to make a change and a difference. That’s MY Truth and if you look closely, it is always There. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.