Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And the Oscar Goes To...

And the Oscar Goes To…

“How about a round of applause/A standing ovation” were the words sung by Rhianna on “It’s Over Now”. In case you haven’t heard yet, Kanye West is starring in an upcoming movie and he is playing the role of a gay guy. The uproar that I have been reading lately has me boggled. People are saying that he must really be gay or bi-sexual to accept this role where there are explicit sex scenes. Really??!!! Using this frame of mind, I would conclude that some of my favorite actors and actresses are very bad and troubled individuals. That would mean that Samuel L. Jackson is a crack-head lunatic killer (Jungle Fever and Pulp Fiction). That would mean that Edward Norton is a racist psychopath (American History X and Primal Fear). That would mean that Denzel Washington is a womanizing dirty cop (Devil in a Blue Dress and Training Day). That would also mean that every one of us should be card carrying members of the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) because we are ALL great actors.

We all should be holding up our golden trophies in this movie that we call life because we all are excellent actors. We all have our private personalities and our public personalities. We are all actors and actresses in our own ways. Men are great actors because we tend to put on hard exteriors when in reality a lot of us are very emotional and sensitive. Women are Oscar-worthy because behind all of the attitudes and eye-rolling, they are beautiful creatures in search of love, attention and affirmation. To me, Truthfully Speaking, the greatest actors are religious people. Notice I didn’t say Christians or church folk; I said religious people. I am speaking of those that although they may go to church and get a little “sprinkle, sprinkle”, they really don’t have any spirituality about them. They ACT as though they are high and mighty; ACT as if their church philosophy or beliefs are the only ones that exist. They are the ones that publicly make a big deal of going to church, “helping” people and being on this board and that board, but truly don’t believe that they are equals to anyone. The religious actors are the ones that make statements like “without accepting Christianity you are not considered my brother or sister”. If they really read the “scripts” that they have been given, they would realize how oxymoronic that statement is. Christianity is all about love. Now, I have read my script over and over again and I have yet to see where I am supposed to “not” love someone because they don’t share the same spiritual ideology that I do.

The Truth is though, maybe some of aren’t actors. Maybe some of us really are who we say we are. Maybe the acting that I am talking about comes from us not being real within ourselves. Maybe, just maybe, a lot of us are actors when we look in the mirror and in public we are who we are. Truthfully Speaking, the roles that we play are not only seen on screen or in public, but most importantly within us. Who is your dream character? That is MY Truth and I am looking forward to walking the red carpet; Lights, Camera, Action. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love People.