Thursday, December 30, 2010

Kappa Relays

Kappa Relays

The fastest man alive is the coveted title given to the proven “speediest” man in the world. Carl Lewis. Ben Johnson. In terms of football it would be Chris Johnson or Devin Hester. In basketball it may be Devin Harris or Ty Lawson. As a person that reads MediaTakeout and TMZ, there is something that I have noticed about all of these men; NONE have ever been accused of creeping. They are fast. Pseudo track stars of sorts. Shaquille O’Neal; strong, but slow. Kobe; fast but not that fast. DeWayne Wade; fast, but not a speed demon. All of these men were run down by temptation. As much as you want your man to be in shape, built, and be on top of his muscle game, you need to resign yourself to the fact that most of us are not track stars. The average man cannot run that fast.

In reality, most women are more adept and equipped to run faster than men. It has nothing to with the physical, but more to do with practice and the mental capacity. From the time that you reached puberty and maybe even before, you have been chased, propositioned, flirted with, and offered everything under the sun for invitation to the Honeycomb Hideout. You have been running from the pushy, undesirable, the player, the stalker, the ex, the fake and other man that didn’t meet your standards and approval. Every other conversation that you have had in your life with a member of the other sex (and some with the same sex) has been an offer veiled in casual communication. Most of us have not had the luxury of practicing being chased and you know it is the Truth. Don’t believe me? Think back to some of the dudes you knew from school or back in the days and you saw them recently and were like Hey Mr. Parker….Most men didn’t grow into themselves until about 25-30 so they had no real reason to put their legs to use, but now that he is mature, got some business about himself, can afford to go the barber every week, has his own style and swag, the track meet that he was never a part of has suddenly picked up and he is out of shape and out of practice. He just can’t run that fast. What you have been doing most of your life is what he is just now realizing that he needs to learn. We are different, but we are the same. As a woman you may read this and say that it is BS, but if you really sit and think about it you will see that it makes at least a little sense. Hell, look at your man’s Jr. High and high school pictures then look at him now. Chances are, unless he was one of those Al B. Sure, Christopher Williams look-a-likes (peace to Scott C. lol), then he probably didn’t get a lot of play back then. Sure you had dudes that had game, but the majority had one or two women that were feeling him. I knew buttaface chicks that were beating dudes off with a stick growing up…point proven.

Truthfully Speaking, we are just not that fast and sometimes we get caught. Just know that we do try our best to run, but sometimes we are just out of shape and not track stars. The kicker is this though. Sometimes we run as fast as we can to hide in the one place that we think is safe, but get there and either the door is locked or we have to answer 50 questions about why we are out of breath…think about it. Before I sign off, I want to take this time to say thank you all for a great year of support. I am a movement by myself, but together we will make this a force to be dealt with. Well, that is MY Truth, and as many times as I may have been run down and even caught, I took my lumps like a man and NEVER snitched…lol. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.