Monday, November 1, 2010

So You Call Yourself A Man?

So You Call Yourself a Man???

I want to start this off by offering two disclaimers; one to the women and one to the man. To the women that read this and take offense; I apologize, but sometimes The Truth hurts. We learn, we agree to disagree and we move past it. To the men that may read this and take offense, I sincerely off you two options; Man up or find the nearest gun and kill yourself.
So last night I was at Wal-Mart after midnight doing what every red-blooded grown man does; I was making groceries. Now, for what I had to endure, I will take partial blame because I should have remembered that other than free before 11 at the club, this is THE place that most women would be at midnight on the first of the month. Something that I noticed while watching these women fill their carts (sometimes two) to the brim with food is that about 70% had men with them. That wouldn’t have been bad if they were using cash or a credit/debit card, but ALL of these “couples” were using EBT’s. I actually heard a woman asking her “man” did she want her to get 10 or 20 steaks. Where do they do that? So let me get this straight; you are a baller, a trap star, or a d-boy, but you are with your woman, making groceries using food stamps? Don’t get me wrong; I know that some women or even men need government assistance and that is fine, but when you are a grown a#% man, walking upright, no handicaps and you are PROUDLY shopping like you just won the lottery, you are not a baller, you are a leech. So you call yourself a man? These are the same dudes that will say, “why you trying to carry me?” when they feel as though they are not being respected. So you call yourself a man? You aren’t a man; you are simply impersonating what one looks like. Truthfully Speaking, I blame the girls. Notice I said GIRLS, because I refuse to believe that a woman would even let this go down. I blame you because you are the one setting the standard for them to do it. Maybe Babyface was talking to you when he sang Whip Appeal, but if all it takes is hard d#%^ and bubblegum for you to completely lose your mind then you need an intervention and some old head friends.
I really wasn’t going to write this blog, but then I got into the parking lot after checking out. The “couple” in front of me rang up about 400.00 in groceries (paid for with food stamps) AFTER the “man” made his woman run back and grab 3 jugs of orange juice because he was on his Blackberry and his friends told him that they bought the gin by. All of this was on speakerphone and I wouldn’t have believed this Soul Plane scene myself if I hadn’t heard it. Anyway, after ringing up my 8 items, it turns out they were parked next to me in a freaking 2010 Escalade!!!!! I wanted to flatten their tires, take their plate number and contact the IRS, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and Jesus. That is MY Truth and I am emailing Tom Perriello and tell if he is able to fix THIS, he has my vote. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.