Friday, October 29, 2010

At Least (Is it a Trick or Treat?)

At Least

I was going to write a blog about Halloween describing how women should have been playing some of my favorite horror characters. I was going to write how every man has experienced the Freddy Kruger woman; she loves to torment and destroy all of your dreams. I was going to write how every man has experienced the Texas Chainsaw woman; she loves to cut you down to size. I was going to write about how every man has experienced the Jason Vorhees woman; she loves to stab you in the back. I was going to write about how every man has experienced the Michael Myers woman; she loves to cut you to the core, but then another revelation popped into my mind; At Least.

Truthfully Speaking, WE tend to look at situations and usually dwell on the negative and not the positive. EVERY situation has a positive in it if you know what you are looking for. Every situation can have an At Least moment. That moment can be had whether you are a pessimist or an optimist. In terms of relationships, men for the most part have the same At Least theory because if you remember I told you all a long time ago that men are physical beings. I feel a lot of you not understanding my At Least mentality yet so let me help you out. As I said earlier, most men have the same At Least thought in their minds; ask a man after reading this and let me know if I was right or wrong. We as men are simple creatures for the most part so it doesn’t take a lot of thought to figure us out. Examples of At Least moments for men…
1. My woman complains a lot, but At Least she doesn’t cheat on me.
2. My woman doesn’t clean or cook, but At Least she doesn’t cheat on me.
3. My woman doesn’t understand me, but At Least she doesn’t cheat on me.
4. My woman doesn’t satisfy me at all times, but At Least she doesn’t cheat on me.
5. My woman can’t seem to forgive me, but AT Least she hasn’t killed me yet.
See? At Least is the reason why your man doesn’t argue with you a lot because despite everything that happens between the two of you, that At Least gives him some form of optimism to hold on to. If more women adopted the At Least philosophy, there would be less domestic violence in relationships. It would cause you to focus on the positive and not the negative. At Least is to a relationship as weed is to the unemployed; therapeutic. It may not make everything right, but it allows you to make it through another day…lol.
I would love to see women truly adopt the At Least mentality. Here a few examples for women to try…
1. My man loves to smoke weed, but At Least he isn’t a crack head.
2. My man loves to have a drink, but At Least he doesn’t get drunk and beat me.
3. My man doesn’t understand me, but At Least he doesn’t beat me.
4. My man doesn’t communicate well, but At Least he doesn’t beat me.
5. My man beats me, but At Least….well I guess that theory may not work for that one….oh…but At Least he left bruises so I got off due to self-defense…lol.
This is all about a simple transformation of the minds people. The Truth is this, it being Halloween, maybe instead of encouraging people to remove their masks, we should say At Least they are trying to hide their ugliness and not making everyone scared and uncomfortable by seeing the real them…lol. There is a reason Jason, Mike Myers and the guy from Texas Chainsaw wore masks and I for one am grateful that they did. That is my Truth and although I am not perfect, At Least I am perfectly imperfect. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.