Monday, November 8, 2010

Men, Pull Down Your Skirts

Men, Pull Down Your Skirts

I say this with most amount of sincerity that I can muster up in my voice right now and I apologize for the language and sentiments that are about to come across this page that will surely offend the weak in mind and faint at heart, but in all seriousness, I am getting tired of punk a$% men. It’s truly becoming an epidemic. I was down with the movement before, but now I am about to contact Diddy and tell him to send me my No B#itchA#$ness shirt UPS Next Day delivery. And just as a side note; if I hear one more person call this generation or anyone that graduated high school after 1996 “thugs” or “gangsters” I will open hand smack you…or scream; one of the two. I admit…I am writing this in anger...and hurt…and disappointment because once again another brother is shot to death. Listen, I don’t even know the circumstances and it really doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me and truly makes me sick to my stomach is that we are living among a society of punks and cowards. Yes…I said it. COWARDS!!! Haven’t any of you ever heard of fighting a fair one? For the ones in the cheap seats, that means fighting man on man; straight up and hands up. What ever happened to the days of men settling their beefs with hands and not with guns? Have we truly raised a society of bi#ch a#% boys that the gun is the only way that they know how to settle things? I think we have and personally it makes me sick to my stomach.

First of all, I blame the men…let me rephrase that; I blame the ex baby daddies. You know, the “men” that since they left or divorced the women, they left or divorced their sons. You left your son in a house with a woman that is trying to raise him as a man and he wasn’t taught basic necessities. Sure, you send a check, you send him a text or you might even come around a few times a year, but when it comes time for him to learn the basics of being a male in this society you are nowhere to be found, but there is a thug on every corner that went through the same situation and he is teaching your son how to protect himself and how to survive rather than teaching him how to be a man. They grow up in a household without a man and the woman is trying to teach him the way that “she” was taught so now he either grows up not knowing how to fight or he is taught to use anything at his disposal to protect himself. If you have a lot of boys growing up that don’t know how to fight, you end up with a neighborhood of bit#h a#% men with guns. Pull your skirt down.

I also blame the school system for this rising epidemic of Bit#%A#%ness going around. I remember growing up and there was this phenomenon called winners and losers. You competed in something and you either won or you lost. If you won, you won with grace and a good attitude. If you lost, you lost with a good attitude and then practiced and got better. We were NEVER taught that there is no such thing as losers and that we all are winners and whoever decided that was the way that we needed to coddle these children should be dropped off in Compton wearing an I Love George Bush t-shirt on. By teaching kids that there is no such thing as losers is basically teaching kids that it is not ok to lose and when you teach someone that it is not ok to lose you are condoning retaliation for losing. That is why you see people fight and pull out weapons. Losing to them is terrifying because they have never had to come in second place. They are being raised and taught to believe that everyone is a winner and that is the WORST thing that you can teach a child. Everyone is NOT winner. I wish that I were a teacher of this generation because I would break every child of this belief. I would line up my class one by one and make them try to outrun a pit bull to prove to them that you are not a winner in everything all of the time. Sometimes you have to lose in order to build character, but again, we are raising soft boys that grow up to be even softer men.

I will leave you guys with this. It’s funny to me how all of you soft as drug store cotton, couldn’t bust a grape in a fruit fight, shaved legged, skinny jean wearing, fake thugs think that carrying a gun or shooting someone makes you a man. I thank God every day that my father taught me how to use my hands to fight a fair one. I thank God that I had uncles that reiterated those same lessons that my father taught me. I also thank God for allowing me to be raised by a generation of real men and not ex baby daddies, but please don’t let the smooth taste fool you. I KEEP heat around me even in the summertime and its not because of me…it is because of you. I and others like me are your worst nightmare; educated street dudes whose hearts don’t pump Kool-Aid. Yeah…I got that from Pops also. Please pull your skirts down because your thongs are showing and it’s not a pretty sight. That’s MY Truth and I say it standing as a man with a black hoodie on with black jeans and black Timbs swinging my black fists in the black night at yellow bellied boys. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.