Wednesday, October 20, 2010



How is it that both Alicia Keys and Fantasia messed with married men, but only Fantasia is getting vilified by the media?

What is the difference between what Bishop Eddie Long is “accused” of and what 85% of Catholic Priests do on a daily basis?

What is a Stimulus Package exactly and who actually qualifies for it?

Is it me or has Black History Month actually lost the little meaning and significance that it had since now everything has a month…ie, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Rainbow Celebration Month…just saying…

Why is it that the best singers in the world never get a shot, but Trey Songz is actually on album number 4 and people are buying it?

Can you actually attempt to preach at a wedding?

When are police officers actually going to start having to serve time for beating down people unprovoked?

How can you name a show Housewives of Whatever City we decide to Show Next, but not all of the cast members be married? Don’t you have to be married in order to be a Housewife? Hmmmm…

Why does Tyler Perry have constant questions about his sexuality for dressing as Madea, but Martin (Shennehneh), Jaime Foxx (Wanda) or Flip Wilson (Geraldine) ever had to answer those questions?

Will we ever get it right??

Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.