Monday, October 18, 2010



I have been silent for a while because…well, I have just been silent. A lot of people say that I don’t too much positive writing anymore so I decided to use today to write something that has been on my mind for a while and shout out some people that need to know that they are appreciated.

I had to sing at a wedding this weekend and I came away from thinking to myself that I have truly been blessed to be surrounded by and associated with some of the best musicians and singers around. I was listening to Nicole Page sing I Do and chills just went through me. This was the same woman that I was singing with in high school and her voice has only gotten stronger and more beautiful. I was listening to John Breedlove stroke those piano keys like they were just a part of his hands. I have truly been blessed. Every week I get to listen to Marcus English and B.A. Banks do wonders on piano and drums. Even my own Bishop can tear the strings off of the bass and guitar. It made me think of the women I sing with every week and I said to myself that I would put them up against any praise team in the country and know that everything that came out of their mouths was genuine and real. I have been blessed to be able to sing with Timika and Charnika along with Katina for over 12 years and I can’t name a better core of singers and voices that blend and mesh the way that they do. It’s funny because we all were trained at the University of Off the Hook under Jermaine English and to see them now is just amazing. Music is my life and hearing them is my joy. This was nothing deep, just needed and wanted to get that off of my chest. Tomorrow you will be directed back to your regularly scheduled program…lol. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.