Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pimps Up, Ho's Down

Pimps Up, Ho’s Down

Growing up, I used to love to hear my dad throw out old school sayings. “You can’t play a player”. “You can’t turn a ho into a housewife”. “You can’t slick a can of oil”. All of that was funny to me until life got real and I realized that they were all true; then they all became doubly funny to me. Can I be real for a second? Most men have inherited the “player” gene. It is inherently tattooed on their DNA and can never be removed. In other words, most men are born Pimps. For the most part we are natural born hustlers. Now, since the natural order of life is dependant on opposites; if men are considered Pimps, then naturally, women will be considered the Ho. I know that may offend women on a lot of levels, but once I finish, you will see that this is not meant to be derogatory in any way whatsoever. As I explained before, Pimps are hustlers and they make money work for them and never work for the money. On the contrary, Ho’s work for the money, but never reap the benefits of it. Most women are sitting here cursing and calling me every name in the book and that’s fine by me, but I want you to open your mind and really swallow this knowledge.

Notorious BIG once wrote, I’m a Pimp by blood, not relation, ya’ll be chasing, how place them. Being a pimp is something that is just in you. Sean Combs is a Pimp. Spike Lee is a Pimp. George Bush is an OG Pimp. Shawn Carter is a Pimp. Oprah is a PIMP!!! All of the above own stock in themselves and therefore, their money works for them. They have played the system that once tried to play them. Now, contrary to popular belief, most women are Pimps and not Ho’s. In all actuality, most men in a marriage or serious relationship are the Ho’s of the relationship. Don’t believe me huh? Riddle me this then. In the average relationship, the man and woman leave the house to go to work right? Every week or other week, both parties are paid from the respective hustle right? Ask most men who controls that money in the household. The woman does. It’s the same pimp/ho mentality. What’s yours is hers and what’s hers is hers. I’m not saying EVERY relationship is like that, but most are. See, I can feel women smiling now because they came out good on that one, but let me wipe the smile off your faces real quick. There is a flip side to that also where men are the pimps and women are the ho’s. When you want your man to do something what do you do? You try to sweet talk him. You cook for him. Put on a nice outfit. Maybe even show him that you graduated Summa Cum Laude. Head of your class. You use what you have to get what you want. They do the same thing on the Point. Now, I’m not calling you a Ho, you just may have Ho-like tendencies. Every woman that is in a relationship has sold a piece of her for the dream. You don’t believe me? Take a poll and see how many women were actually virgins when they got married. I will venture to say less than 5%. Something that you did or do got you the house, the account and the dream. The Truth is the Truth.

The biggest pimp/ho game is the US Government vs. the citizens. We go on the stroll every day, working, hustling trying to take care of our families and then at the end of the week, we have to pay Big Daddy about 28% of our earnings. Freedom is the best word ever. If you think you are Free, you are Dumb. The truth is, we ALL are ho’s anyway you slice it when it comes to the big picture. Try to buck and not pay Big Daddy and you will smacked into jail, bent over in Federal Court with no Vaseline; just ask Wesley Snipes. One of my favorite movies of all times is The Mack. In it, Pretty Toney told Goldie that he was not a Pimp, he was just a rest haven for ho’s. It doesn’t matter who Big Daddy has managing us, the stroll never stops and the screwing continues. That’s MY Truth and the heels you hear clicking and clacking are mine as I try to get back to my corner. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.