Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Are You Out of Your Rabid A#$ Mind???

Are You Out of Your Rabid A#% Mind???

This is another venting day for me so don’t say that you haven’t been forewarned. Be sure to tune in for the rest of the week for the following topics; Freedom Aint Free (discussing the first amendment and taxes) and Pimps Up, Ho’s Down (discussing the relationship balance between men and women).

I have been reading a lot of articles and checking out some shows and some things have been discussed and established that really don’t sit well with me.

1. I was watching a re-run of the Real Housewives of Atlanta (yes…secret fan) and I heard the most ignorant statement ever…
Women…Kim Zolciak should NOT be a role-model for you…at all…ever. This chicken head said that when she wants to get “frisky” and “kinky” with Big Poppa, she takes her wig OFF. Now, there is a serious shift in America when taking off fakeness constitutes freakiness. Since when did being real or being you become the “frisky” thing to do? The sad thing is that I am sure that sentiment is shared by millions of ladies everywhere. If your man sees your representative more than he sees you then it is time to stop wondering why you hear nothing rather than hearing his voice. Let’s Talk! Most women wear wigs because they are lazy. It’s easy to just get up, pull your real hair into a ponytail and throw on a wig. What you don’t realize though is that it is that same lazy mentality that carries on into the rest of your relationship. How do you think it makes your man feel to see you dolled up to go to work or wherever and then when you get home you fling that thing off, throw on sweats and microwave a dinner. Transformers…More than meets the eye. Just saying.

2. Is it just me or are commercials really starting to push the envelope here lately? The makers of Axe body wash (which I use faithfully) have released the Axe Detailer which is sort of like a Loofa for men, but it is the commercial that is bugging me out though. It shows two women first holding two white golf balls in their hands washing them with the Detailer. And then they just keep caressing the balls saying how clean they are and how they now could touch these balls all day…WTH??? The kicker is at the end though and it just showed me how perceptions and stereotypes are still very prevalent in our society. So the black man jumps up, holding a “sack” of soccer balls and asks “Can you clean these balls also?” Of course the women look wide-eyed and say “Oh yes we can”….And this is what our kids see on television and we wonder why they are more sexually (un)educated and curious than we ever were. Great Job Axe.

3. I was going to save this one for tomorrow, but I have to touch on it for a second today. Tomorrow you will hear me discuss a case that has been presented to the Supreme Courts (Snyder v. Phelps) and it discusses the First Amendment and how a church protested in front of the funeral of a dead soldier because he was gay. Now, I understand fire and brimstone preaching, but what part of God is that? I was looking at the pictures from the protests and these religious zealots really have the game messed up. Signs read “God is Your enemy”, Not Blessed Just Cursed and the worst was “God Hates You”…Really? REALLY??? Can you be the pastor of a church and honestly do that? Some of these people need to go back to Divinity School, read a New Testament scripture or something. As much as I question religion, even I know that God is not co-signing that one. Sad day when a pastor and his flock picket in front of a funeral. Well, that’s MY Truth and I am sticking to it with a picket sign in front of a locked church that reads “Love me, or leave me alone”. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.