Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ma, Diddy Back at it Again!!!

Ma’, Diddy Back at it Again

I really do love my alter egos sometimes because what I miss out on, they really do capture and bring to my attention. I was reading the blog that I wrote earlier this week about venting and I realized that I forgot to touch on something concerning welfare and public assistance. Can someone please tell me why if I go looking for a job, my application is accepted and I pass the interview, why do I have to submit to a drug test, but someone applying for public assistance can do all of the drugs the government supplies…I mean their heart desires? To me, that is the pea under the mattress when it comes to the state of our government. I and the others that share my brain cannot come up with a viable explanation to this question. Could it be that on the sly, the government is secretly owning up to the fact that by allowing free money to buy the drugs that they allow into the country, they get more free money for the war on drugs??? Ooops…did I just tell one of Amerikkka’s biggest secrets? New Jack City stated it best in a statement between Wesley and Christopher Williams; “The rich get richer and the poor don’t get a f#%@king thing”.

If you are upper middle class to upper class you have it made. If you are lower class and below the poverty line, you have it made. You get tax breaks, public assistance, food stamps and whatever else the government deems acceptable. If you are middle class, you are like the ugly chick in porn movies; you are constantly getting screwed, but no one really cares. I hate to be the one to inform all of you, but this cycle will NEVER end. The system is designed to accommodate the wealthy by lending a crutch to the poor in order to keep the wealthy wealthy. Think about it for a second. The wealthy constantly “donates” money to help the poor because at the end of the day, every dime goes towards a tax break that actually gives them back more money and more power. The poor are crutched, but they are never really helped because the way the system is set up, the funds are only enough to keep them depending on assistance. Meanwhile, middle class citizens are paying the taxes to help the government support the poor, put money back in the fat cat’s pockets, but the tax breaks are not there to compensate unless you have children. Never ending cycle. I am all for helping people because it is in my nature to do so, but we go about things all wrong. There are millions of homeless people in the USA, but we are quick to send billions of dollars to another country to help them in the time of need. I understand that we consider ourselves Big Brother to everyone else, but growing up as a big brother, I always took up for my own brother first before I went to another neighborhood to take up for someone else’s. We need to get it right and we need to get it right soon or the USA is going to become the Russia and Germany of old. Don’t say that you haven’t been warned. That is MY Truth and it is like an R. Kelly victim that came last; Pissed Off. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.