Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Touch Me, Tease Me

Touch Me, Tease Me

All the kid can say now is Wow! I had planned on writing this blog about Catholic priests and the ongoing scandal that is plaguing that faith when lo and behold, I check USA Today online last night and there is a story about Bishop Eddie Long being “accused” of using his authority and influence to have sexual relations with two boys. Wow, so How You Doin’?

Truthfully Speaking, there has always been something “unnatural” about Catholic priests. They take this vow of celibacy and then you surround them with little boys. To me, it’s like having crack heads working at The Carter; you are asking them to touch the product, but not to use it. This issue has been going on for decades, maybe even centuries and now the new Pope is coming out saying that he apologizes for perceived improprieties. Perceived improprieties? That’s a statement you use when funds are missing. That’s a statement you use when someone takes the company car on a family vacation. That is not a statement you use when thousands of boys have accused your faith of molestation. Is there really a connection between homosexuality and the faith? Maybe it’s just that these men become priests for the opportunity to be around alter boys. I don’t really know. I do know that this is an epidemic that is swiftly spiraling out of control and needs to be addressed.
As for Bishop Long, I don’t know what to think at all. They say that usually where there is smoke there is fire, but I also believe in innocent until proven guilty. I can’t imagine the stress and demand of being a pastor of a mega church so I can’t put myself in his shoes. I will say this though; these are very serious allegations and I truly believe that if they are true then it doesn’t end with him. So, this is what I ask of my readers today. I ask that we pray for churches today. We have all made mistakes, had secrets, done wrong and fallen short. I know that I write a Truth blog, but the Truth is, wrong is wrong, sin is sin and all of it can be forgiven. So I just ask that you all take a moment and reflect on that and let God and the judicial process take its course. That is MY Truth, and oh yeah, let’s stand behind the Bishop in this time of need because there is no way on God’s green Earth am I letting him stand behind me any time soon…lol. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.