Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blown Steam

Blown Steam

I am going to use this blog today to vent about things that have been on my mind lately. Watching T.V. and reading the news, I have just been noticing a lot of things that don’t sit well with me.

I hope that all of my loyal readers have a savings account with throw away dough in it because I may need it soon. If you watch the news in the near future and you hear about 5 people getting hit by a truck in front of Planned Parenthood on Peters Creek, don’t be alarmed; it was just me and it was on purpose. I went to the store today and they now have a sign that says “Pray to end abortion”. How about I pray that you get heat stroke? Or better yet, I pray that you gain compassion and common sense. Now, to preface the following thoughts, I personally don’t believe in abortions. I believe that there are other options such as adoption that you can choose. That being said, I do believe in having a choice and to me, when you say pray to end abortion, you are basically praying that God takes away choices. These right-wing zealots don’t care if you were raped or the pregnancy may put your life in danger; they just want you to have the child and that’s it. They hold up signs quoting the Ten Commandments, Thou Shalt Not Kill, but studies have shown that the same supporters of doing away with abortion are the same supporters of the death penalty. You can’t have your cake and eat it also grandpa…
Another thing that ticked me off was an article in USA Today about a new law being passed banning welfare recipients from using their debit cards in casinos. In June, the Los Angeles Times reported that California welfare recipients had withdrawn over $1.8 million over a seven-month period from casino ATMs (USA Today). What really chaps my Levis is that people are actually complaining over the bill. Seriously? Seriously? Listen, welfare is for your basic needs and is supposed to help you take care of yourself and children. It is not to be a come-up for you. It is not free money for you to use to go to the club, get that mani and pedi that you desperately need or get that outfit at Burlington. If I was in charge of welfare reform, every male would be required to get a job within 3 months or funds are cut. There is ALWAYS a job that you can find. Putting holes in doughnuts, adding tips to shoestrings…something. If you are female, you would be required to receive a Depo shot. If you already have two kids and are receiving assistance, why would you WANT to have another child? I would also limit the type of food you can buy if you are receiving assistance. I can’t tell you how many times I have been at the grocery store on the wrong night (1st through 10th) and seen people with 3 carts of food. Now, you don’t even know how to properly cook a filet mignon or lobster tail, but since you have “free” money, you have about 10 of them in your cart. Something is wrong with that picture. Whew…. My vent is over…for now. That’s MY Truth and I can actually afford to say it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.