Thursday, September 16, 2010

Really...What is Love?

Really…What is Love?

Love is everything and Love is nothing. Love is the ache in the pit of you stomach that just won’t go away. Love is never having to say that you are sorry because it is already understood. It can be the sweetest taste known to man, but also draw the most evil side of a woman. Love is everything that you thought you knew and simply everything that you never felt before. Love is the answer to every question that you have ever asked yourself. Love is accepting the faults without passing judgment. Love is that taste that no amount of Scope can get rid of. Love should have bought you home last night, but Love is also the reason why it didn’t. Love is everything and Love is nothing. Love is the dream and Love is the nightmare. Love is the reason you go on, but also the reason that you want to leave. Love is the question to every answer that you that you though you knew. Love has nothing to do with heart but can be measured by your heartbeat. Love is rapid and Love is slow. Love is the melody of ones voice. Love is glare from ones eyes. Love is the lock AND the key. Love is everything and Love is nothing.