Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cracked Foundations

Cracked Foundations

So I have been following the developments of the Reggie Bush/USC scandal and now he has returned his Heisman Trophy. Supposedly, they were going to strip him of the trophy which is awarded to the best college athlete for a given year. It has come out that while enrolled in USC, Reggie accepted money, a car and even a house that his parents lived in while he was attending college. He has never used PED’s (Performance Enhancing Drugs), but he has been accused of cheating. Five years ago, he was deemed the best football player in America, but now that it has come out that he accepted money, they strip him of that title. Something about that doesn’t sit right with me. The money didn’t make him a better player. They car didn’t help him rush for all of those yards. The house didn’t help USC get to the BCS title game that year, but now knowing all of that, he is now NOT the best football player of 2005. That situation made me think of a question that was sent to me months ago that I never answered. I think it’s time to discuss it.

The following situation was emailed to me months ago: I have been married to my husband for 19 years. I just found out that on the night before we were married, he cheated on me at his bachelor party with a stripper. Do I have the right to be hurt by this situation?

First of all I will say this; no one can tell you whether or not you should be hurt by anything. That is a feeling and if it’s what you feel, it’s what you feel. Now, what I am about to write may offend some of you, but what else is new under the sun? I actually can see both sides of this situation. Does what happened without your knowledge change the way that you think about him now? If he has been a great husband and father the entire time that you have been married, how does that change now that you have this new information? Now, let’s get deep like the minds of Minolta. I can go two routes with this. As a man, I would say it was so long ago what are you even bringing it up for now? Everything that you thought he was he still is despite what you now know. Delving deep into the complicated mind of a woman, I am reminded of building houses. When laying the foundation of a house, the most important job of the Mason is to make sure that there are no cracks. Building a house on a cracked foundation could cause the house to sink in. The thing is though, that sink could take 15, 20, 30, 50 or even a hundred years to occur. Most people don’t even notice the foundation of a house and that’s a good thing. If you knew about a hairline fracture in the foundation of the new house that you just bought, you would worry yourself sick every day trying to figure out when everything would fall down all around you. Sometimes, ignorance truly is bliss. Do you really want to tear the house down in order to fix one small crack? That’s the question that you need to ask yourselves. That’s MY Truth and it’s all on the level. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.