Friday, August 13, 2010

Weak Trees, Weaker Roots

Well, it's Friday and I honestly thought that I would make it through the week without touching this subject, but I just had to do it. I can hear Ceez and Stell now, "Ma, Diddy is back at it again!". Have a safe weekend and enjoy. 

Like I said before, I was going to leave this alone, but due to stuff I've read in the paper, seen on CNN and comments that I have received, I just have to say my piece.  Ok, so we all know the immigration debate is heating up again and people are asking who is considered a citizen and who isn't. It's not the subject that has been bothering me; it's the comments that are being made. Believe me, I think everyone has the right to voice their opinions; I do it every day on here.  I just ask that you think before you speak. 

If I hear one more person say that certain citizens need to go back Africa, Mexico, or Cuba I am going to scream at the top of my lungs. Let me clarify something for some of you that may not be in the know. Unless you are Native American, most of you are descendants of illegal aliens. I'm sorry to burst your bubble Boo-Boo, but more likely than not, someone in your family caught a boat over here.  I keep hearing that if we don't like the laws then we should go BACK to Africa. Now, what I know about history, WE never asked to leave. Secondly, I personally don't know anyone there. It was just funny that I was reading commentary on the illegal alien issue and an admitted Italian-American was saying how illegal aliens are ruining the country. Now, the last time I checked, and I could be wrong, but Italy is not a part of it?  They came on a boat also. So how is it that your citizenship is more validated than anyone else's?  Truthfully Speaking, we all need to check ourselves. The future that you are trying to change may destroy the history that you are trying to protect. The Truth is, the higher you climb on your family tree, the more you may notice broken branches. That's MY Truth and I have the papers to prove it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.