Thursday, August 12, 2010

Terminated Government

Today is Thursday and I want to take this opportunity to thank ALL of my haters. This thank you goes out to all of the people saying that I am a closet racist. This thank you goes out to all of the people saying that I am misogynistic. This thank you goes out to all of the people saying that I am a hypocrite because I claim to be Christian, but write blogs questioning God. I just ask that you all tell your friends and family about me; I need about 23 more haters before the summer ends. I love you all and I just have one message for you….HI Haters!!!!

I really have a lot of topics that I have been researching, but this one just seems to be itching at me so I am going to say what I have to say and hopefully be done with it. I have been receiving a ton of emails in reference to my support of President Obama and the blog that I wrote (Positively Negative) on Tuesday. I first want to clear up something that someone said to me and I hope that you are reading this today. I didn’t vote for Obama simply because he was Black. I didn’t vote for him simply because he was a Democrat. I actually put in a lot of hours listening to the debates, watching speeches and researching his policies online. I also did the same for the other candidates; the same process I have followed for the past three elections. So when I walked into the voting booth, I made a decision based on thorough research and the fact that his outlook on America lined up with my views. Race had nothing to do with it. If you ask me if I was proud that he was the first African-American…no, scratch that…the first person with ANY ethnicity to become President of the United States, then my answer would be Hell Yes!!!! But let me clarify something; if Jesse Jackson had run and I didn’t agree with the things that he stood for or I didn’t believe in his campaign, I would not have voted for him. Truthfully Speaking, voting for someone based on just race or political party is just as ignorant as the notion that because of race or political party someone won’t make a great leader of our country.

Secondly, I received a lot of comments saying that with the amount of troops we have overseas, the current state of the economy and the overall climate of the country, how can I condone our leader playing basketball with present and past legends, taking a mini-vacation or even appearing on The View? Ok, so he played basketball in SUPPORT OF the troops to provide them with some kind of entertainment to take their minds off of things. Ok, it was his BIRTHDAY. A lot of you guys take a week off for your birthday and you only work at McDonalds and your only stress is judging the thickness of shakes. Ok, he appears on The View. So what? Part of his job is to campaign and the way a lot of you are talking, he is going to need to drum up all of the exposure that he can in a regular setting. Let’s discuss that a little further though. He is getting criticized for appearing on T.V. shows right? There is a movie opening on Friday and it is called The Expendables. Guess who is co-starring in that movie…wait for it….wait for it….Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr. Terminator himself. Now, last I checked, the State of California had major issues with high school drop out rates, a horrible economy, escalating crime rates and unemployment percentages that are steadily climbing, but the “Governor” has time to make a movie. Hmmmm….I wonder why I haven’t heard any backlash on that, besides his bad acting? Just one of those things I guess that just doesn’t register on the “average” voter’s mind I guess. I would hate to think that had he been Democrat mindsets would be any different though. Would they? The Truth is, it would be different and you know it. But who am I to say either way? I just live in a fantasy world that knows that it will all get better, somehow, someday. That’s my Truth and it’s not Expendable. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.