Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sour Milk

Sour Milk

In response to the emails that I have received, I apologize for not posting yesterday. No excuses to give, just please accept my apologies. So many topics to talk about and so little time, but I am going to speak on something today that has been bothering me. Thanks EVERYONE for the support, comments and even criticism. It is much appreciated and I receive it all in love. Enjoy.

“Bad news stops us for a while and then we move on; hope on the other hand is paralyzing”. I was watching Criminal Minds and one of the characters made this statement and it has just stuck with me for some reason. I have always thought that I had faith, but hope is something that I have always rebelled against. How far can faith take you without it becoming a roadblock instead of a highway to something else? Some Christians will argue that you can’t have faith without hope. I just want to know how long are you to have faith in a situation before you just accept that it is what it is and move on. Does faith have an expiration date? If I “Stand” and just pray and cry, cry and pray; how long do I “Stand” before mentally accepting that it’s just not meant for me?

Maybe an example is in order here to help illustrate what I am saying. Let’s say that you are a man/woman and the only thing that you “ask” for is to be a parent. For years you honestly have the faith, believing that it will happen. After a few years, you are up in age and inevitably your “mind” comes to the conclusion that maybe that is not in your cards. Does that mean that you lose faith or that you are facing reality? The truth is, for me, I am a realist. I can deal with a “yes”. Yes this will happen for you, just not right now. I can deal with a “no”. No this is not the plan that God has for your life so it is time to move on. I can’t deal with the “maybe” and Truthfully Speaking, that is what Blind Faith is to me. Blind faith to me is accepting the “maybe” and not moving forward. Hope is great for a while, but there has to come a time when hope becomes debilitating. If I had a child, and they were kidnapped (God forbid), I honestly would deal better knowing that they were dead rather than going years dealing with the “hope” that they were alive somewhere. Maybe that is just my weird way of dealing with things. Maybe that is my way of righting my “reality” in my mind. The truth is, my faith sometimes comes with an expiration date and it’s sad that I feel like I am the only one that understands that. I apologize for the lack of humor and darkness of this post, but sometimes I just need to vent and purge. That’s my truth and honestly, my milk is tasting kind of funny. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.