Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Build a Bridge (and Get Over It)

Build a Bridge (and Get over It)

I’m just going to get right into it today because the pleasantries just aren’t in me. This is a subject that I touched on before (Try Suing for a Broken Heart) and due to recent events I just wanted to touch on it again.

First off, I want to send up a prayer for Fantasia and her family. I know that this is a difficult time for them and I just hope that some good comes out of this situation. Alienation of Affection. That is the name of the lawsuit that you can file when an “outsider” interferes in a marriage. The suits can be filed in seven states: Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota and Utah. The law dates back to the antiquated times of when a WIFE was considered the property of a husband. A broken-hearted husband could go after his wife’s lover; not with a gun as so many of us would, but with the law. That’s your history lesson for the day; now for the Truth. This bothers me on so many levels, but today’s Truth will only talk about the gall of this law. Tune in tomorrow for my thoughts on the climate change of wives no longer being considered property…lol. Anyway, does anyone besides me find this to be most bass-akwards law ever put into existence? Truthfully Speaking, when are we going to start making the right people take accountability for their actions? If he stepped out, deal with him. If she stepped out, deal with her. Any other way of dealing with it adds up only to revenge, envy or jealousy. Truthfully Speaking, ish happens. You can jump ship or you can build a bridge and get over it. Filing a frivolous lawsuit against the “other” person is weak and I for one think that it’s Britney Spears. Personally, I am allergic to Britney Spears and it makes me sick. We all make mistakes and the Truth is, I have made a lot of them. The thing that irritates me is that we are so busy blaming others for “interfering” that we don’t see the fact that we don’t crap roses. I can attest to this, if your significant other stepped out, it has almost nothing to do with the other person. It is between the two of you. But hey, if you want to be petty and get your revenge, do your thing Boo-Boo. That’s my Truth and luckily I am telling it in Virginia. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.