Friday, August 20, 2010

Jokes on YOU Jack!

Jokes on you Jack

It’s Friday and I know that I have only posted one Truth this week, but if you know me, you know that I don’t force anything. My mind has been going in circles so I haven’t been focused enough to tap into my feelings and THAT would not be the Truth. I do have a scorcher to leave you with on this beautiful day and I pray that everyone enjoys their weekend. Enjoy.

To all of my readers out there, I feel that I need to remind you of some things today just to let you know what is going on in the world. Our President is Black. Well, let me correct myself a little bit; he is not of the Caucasian persuasion. I honestly thought that everyone knew that when they voted him in, but obviously, some people feel as though they have been hoodwinked, run amuck and led astray. We didn’t land on Plymouth rock, Plymouth rock….sorry, I digress.
I have come to the educated opinion this week that most people feel that the God that they see in their minds is the only God that matters. If you are a feminist, then you think that God may be a woman. If you are black, then you think that God is black. If you are White, then you think that your God is white and better than everyone else’s God. That is a harsh commentary, but the sad thing is that is completely True. I presented that diatribe to lead into this; What the Hell does it all matter anyway??? I have been reading reports that the newest “concern” of white-bread AmeriKKKa is that Obama has lied to everyone and that he is not Christian, but indeed a Muslim. Two years into an election that undoubtedly rewrote history, THIS is what you have to say? The fact that he is trying to tackle a trillion dollar deficit does not concern you. The fact that he is trying to bring our troops back home after a senseless and stupid war does not concern you. The fact that he is trying to ensure that everyone has the appropriate healthcare in order to survive does not concern you. The fact that his faith MAY not line up with yours is causing you great pain. Get the Franklin D. Roosevelt out of here!!! Guess what? The Jokes on you Jack.
I really wish that people would open their eyes before they decide to pass judgment on others. I know that people may get mad at me for my next statement, but I’m sure it won’t be the last time. And if it really gets that serious, I don’t need you, let welfare feed you. Anyway, by fundamental standards, those of Muslim faith are actually more disciplined than those of the Christian faith. If you ever get the chance, just sit back and observe. They consistently pray more than Christians. Their demeanor is generally more docile and more gentle and they generally obey the Quran with more discipline than other faiths and their books of faith. You may see the acts of kamikaze belief, but I am open-minded enough to see the true dedication to God. Like all of us, they may have some misguided acts of allegiance to God, but it is no different from Southern Baptists lynching black men in name of godly “cleansing” or Roman Catholics hunting and killing members of the Knight Templar because they wanted the secrets of Christianity pure and under wraps. Truthfully Speaking though, since when did being Christian become a prerequisite to becoming President??? I personally can’t wait for AmeriKKKa to reveal that he is a Mason…lol. When that impeachment begins, let me know so that I can help dig up the other 20 or so presidents in the “fraternity”. That’s my Truth and I have it strapped to my chest waiting to detonate. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.