Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Positively Negative

Happy Tuesday to everyone out there. I want to thank everyone for the comments that I have been receiving on the blogs. In case you don't know the email address, it is newlifepoet@gmail.com. I really do appreciate your thoughts and questions. The revolution is moving forward and history is being made. Enjoy. 

So everyone knows that the country made history by electing the first African-American President of the United States in Barack Obama. I honestly thought, maybe naively, that this country was finally moving forward in its thinking. Lately though, I have realized that we may be going further backwards than before. Never in my 20 or so years of following politics have I seen a President so scrutinized for every move that he makes. I keep wanting to believe that it has nothing to do with skin color, but every day that hope diminishes even more. We have had some garbage Presidents over the years and nearly all of them have been marred by major mistakes or scandals both before they became President and after. Just recently, we had Bill Clinton. And while he was a great manager of the deficit and kept this country diplomatic as far the popularity with other countries, he still had his own transgressions. Yes, he unfairly had to deal with an impeachment because of it, but his popularity really never decreased and he is still regarded as one of our more popular Presidents. President Bush had a past that included questions about his military history and patriotism and drug use. He started a war over supposed "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and destroyed a budget that our previous president had left in the positive.  When his re-election came up, I was sure that people would see him for what he was and elect someone else, but to no avail. If he was of another race, would the result be the same?  

President Obama has taken over a deficit that was there when he got into office. The changes that he is trying to make in order to rectify a bad situation is requiring him to spend money. The world has been struck with several natural disasters and some man-made disasters that are costing this country money. What do we expect him to do? He is trying to end a war that he didn't start, but he is constantly being criticized for it. And now, to top it all off, he is being questioned about taking a little time to celebrate his birthday, playing basketball to help bring moral back to the troops and even his citizenship is being questioned. His birth certificate has been requested over a dozen times from Hawaii to prove that he indeed is eligible to be our President. Stop the madness people.  He is two years into his term and the mudslinging is starting already. You may hate the color of his skin. You may be afraid of the pimp in his walk. You may even be surprised by the graciousness of his talk, but that doesn't make him bad for this country. I recognize the moves that are being made. I am very good at chess myself and if you are setting up your pawns to allow Sarah free reign of the board, just remember one thing. You still have to check the King before the game is over. That's my Truth and I know exactly where Russia is located. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.