Monday, August 23, 2010

Just Wrong....Wrong.....Wrong

Just Wrong…Wrong…Wrong

I have seen a lot of things this past weekend and I just HAD to talk about them. WE need to get better people. Take heed and act accordingly…lol. Enjoy.

Do you remember on the Arsenio Hall show when he had a segment called “Things that make you go, Hmmmm?” Well, I have been seeing a lot of those things lately and I just felt the need to discuss a few today.

1. Ladies…when you go out into public, namely the grocery story, convenience store, hair salon, hair shop, car wash, mall, restaurant or any other place where other people are gathered, PLEASE…take out the rollers, leave the house shoes at the house and make yourselves at least halfway presentable. The funny part is that you still think that you look cute. The reality is that as you really aren’t. Now, maybe you don’t care what people think and that’s fine. But don’t put a front like you are the finest thing walking when you look like a Sleestack from Land of the Lost.

2. This one goes out to my brothers mostly, but applies to any grown man. When you are over 18, you are considered a grown man. No TWO grown men should be “doubling” on a bike, scooter, moped or motorcycle. EVER!!! There are too many times that I am seeing a grown man, behind another grown man, legs open and holding on to his waist. Come on brothers. There is NO excuse for that one. If you need a ride that bad, call a cab, ride the bus or even walk. Just not acceptable.

3. This also applies along the same lines for my brothers doing time. Now, the last time I checked, they don’t have co-ed prisons or jails. You guys on Facebook or sending pictures to your family with perfect braids need a reality check. NO man should be getting braids in jail from another man. I talked with a guy that just got out of jail and he said that there was like a time limit for being in the barber chair in the lockup. That means that most of them are sitting between another grown man’s legs while getting their hair braided. Come on….Do you know that I don’t like sitting in barber chairs?? That’s why I always go to female barbers. There’s just something about another man leaning over me invading my space. Blah!!

Just something to start the week off with reality and a laugh, but the Truth is, it all happens every day…lol. That’s My Truth and I am sticking to it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.