Monday, August 2, 2010

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut

Good Monday to everyone out there listening today. I hope that you guys had a wonderful weekend. I actually had to do some minor research for this blog because I wanted to make sure that my facts were correct, but most of the stuff I am going to say is from experience anyway so it really doesn’t matter. Agree or disagree, I hope that you learn and enjoy.

I was sent three videos yesterday discussing the “truth” about the Black Masonic fraternity. Let me first let you guys in on something that you may not have ever known about me. I am a Mason. I have been since 1995. I actually went pretty high in the Masonic world until I left Germany in 1996. That being said, everything I am about to discuss is personal experience and the real “Truth”. For almost a year now, I have been reading articles discussing a “secret society” among black entertainers, preachers and business people. The way people have been dressing, their hand gestures and lyrics have been called into question. Jay-Z and Beyonce have been called devil worshippers in so many publications that it is truly become popular fodder to dissect everything that they do and say and attribute it black magic. That’s why I wasn’t surprised or shocked by the videos that I received; it honestly just made me upset and saddened by the ignorance that is still going on in our society. Just because you don’t understand something or are not allowed to be a part of something does not mean that it is of the devil or that there evil surrounding it. Now, don’t get me wrong; there is a worldwide Takeover in place, but it is not coming from Masons or Scientology; it is from the continued perpetuated ignorance of people.

Jay-Z, Beyonce, Danny Glover, Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop T.D. Jakes. Those are just a few names that were mentioned in a video that discusses Black Masons and the “Truth” about them. First of all, it doesn’t matter how much money that Beyonce has, she could never be part of the Masonic fraternity. Prince Hall Masons, as they are referred to, is limited to men only. Prince Hall was free born in the British West Indies. He along with 14 other black men was initiated into Lodge #441 in 1775. That was just a brief history lesson that I may go into at a later date. Anyway, so the idea of women being a part of this secret society is wrong. Secondly, of all the pictures that I have seen with hand placement and gestures in question, NONE have been any that I am familiar with and believe me when I say, I know 90 percent of them. Thirdly, and this is the kicker, the Masonic fraternity is not as “secret” as you think it is. Every ritual, historic lesson and piece of “knowledge” is located in the Bible. That is one of the reasons I became an Old Testament scholar. I wanted to make sure that everything that I was a part of was indeed biblical. And it is. Most of the history is based off of King Solomon’s Temple. So how can you be worshipping Satan when everything that Prince Hall Mason’s are about is biblical? I emphasize Prince Hall Masonry because I can only speak about what I know. Like I said before, I went pretty far in the fraternity and if there was anything that ever led me to believe that something was not on the up and up as far as my beliefs were concerned, I would have not been a part of it.

I think people get afraid of what they don’t understand or not allowed to be a part of. Masons get a lot of a bad press because people simply don’t understand it. It is not something that you can just go to college and say, I want to be a part of that. You have to be “asked” to join. I knew guys that attempted to pledge 3 or 4 years before they were finally deemed “worthy” of pledging. My beef is this though. If you are not an Alpha, Que, Delta, AKA or Sigma, do you know all of their rituals or history? I doubt that you do. One of best friends is a part of Alpha Phi Alpha Inc. and I hardly know any of the things that he went through to get into that fraternity. I do know that most fraternity and sororities have a ritual at the end where they “cross the burning sands”. Now, from the outside looking in, that sounds more Satanic to me than cheek to cheek, breast to breast, knee to knee. Truthfully Speaking, fear drives insanity and is fueled by ignorance. If you don’t know about it, don’t understand it, don’t get it, then don’t speak about it. You start assuming things and we all know what they say about when you assume. Let’s stop looking at pictures looking for hidden signs. Let’s stop listening to lyrics trying to find a hidden message. If you want to know, research. Or better yet, join. I try to do my part. Each One Teach One. To my brothers that may be reading this and feel like I have said too much, I leave you with this. We are all walking towards the East in search of the light. My journey has led me to find the light and it is my job to give that light to everyone. Practice Truth and Fear Nothing. That is MY Light and I am sticking to it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love peopl