Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds

Happy Tuesday!!! I hope that your grind is going well today and that everything that you hope to accomplish happens for you. Today class, we will be discussing Love. L.O.V.E. My take on it will hopefully open some eyes and minds. Enjoy.

Gary Chapman, the author of The Five Love Languages, states that love doesn’t just happen, you choose to love. In saying that, he is further stating that love is an emotion. He is saying that love is a feeling. Truthfully Speaking, he is saying that he has no clue as to what love is and that’s a shame. Millions of books sold worldwide and that’s what he comes up with. Love doesn’t just happen, you choose to love. He would have been better off saying “S#@t Happens” and put it on a yellow t-shirt with a smiley face.

In most popular psychology circles, it has been widely speculated that love and insanity exhibit the same brain waves and share some of the same physiological similarities. That makes perfect sense to me. Being in love with someone can drive you absolutely insane. But before I continue, let me just put this out there; Love itself is not a choice. Love is also not just a feeling. Saying that you choose to love someone is like saying that you can choose who your parents are. And we are not talking about just love like the way you love your family or friends. Take that out of the equation. We are talking about that romantic love. That love that makes your stomach hurt when you hear a certain song; that love that causes you to cry late at night when no one else is around. I am talking about that love that makes you question everything that you have ever heard about or known. That love, is not a choice. People do not choose to be insane. Insanity is a sickness similar to jealousy. Jealousy has a cure, insanity only has band-aids. In studying the psychological profile of serial killers, I have learned that a lot of the impulses that they experienced were not even conscience efforts. They didn’t choose to hear voices; they didn’t choose to have visions; they didn’t always choose to be insane. There was something inherently inside of them that controlled them. That same premise applies to love. You don’t choose the sweats; you don’t choose the moisture; you don’t choose the mental anguish that love sometimes bestows upon you.

Truthfully Speaking, a vast majority of people never truly experience love for everything that it is because they are too busy trying to justify it and explain it. Let me give you an example. If you know me then you know that I am in love with music. Music is something that is inside of me and lives in me. It is not anything that I can really explain though. Love goes beyond a feeling. It is just something that is inside of you. Once you start trying to explain love, you lose the essence of it. Let me leave you with this and maybe it will make it easier to understand.

I am sure that the majority of my readers will agree that God is Love. Correct? My question to you is this; why do you love God? Is it because of something that he has done for you? Is it because of something that he provided you? Is it because of something that he brought you out of? Most spiritual people will say no to all of the above. They love Him because they love Him. The insane part about that is this. You KNOW that you love God and you have never seen him, touched him, smelled him, went to dinner with him, looked into his eyes or any other thing that you do with people, but it is hard for you to wrap your mind around loving someone but not being able to explain it. Truthfully Speaking, God is Love and Love is God. The Truth is, Love is not meant to be explained. It is not meant to be broken down into paragraphs and chapters. Love is as unpredictable as God is because Love is God; God is Love. Love is the air that sustains life. I can not now nor will I ever be able to explain what love is. I can tell you what it isn’t. It isn’t a feeling. It isn’t a choice. It IS what it IS. It is here. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Love it. That is my Truth and I am in Love with it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.