Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Deep Impact

Deep Impact

Happy Hump Day!!! There are a couple of subjects that always get me riled up; racism and ignorance. Today I get to discuss both. Open your minds and love one another. Enjoy.

I remember it like it was just yesterday. I had just gotten off of a 24 hour shift and I went to my parent’s apartment to lie down for a while and rest. I turned on the television and the first tower had just been struck by an airplane. Everyone one was running around in panic and reporters were saying that a plan had just lost control and crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. As they were speaking, I could see another plane coming towards the other tower. Boom!!! The second tower is struck and mayhem begins. Deep Impact. The date was September 11, 2001. Let’s fast forward to present time, nine years later. The state of New York has just approved the building of a Muslim mosque near the Ground Zero site and it has people losing their everlasting minds. Sarah Palin is actively speaking out against it and Truthfully, it is all baffling to me. The reason will people in the country never fully embrace democracy is because of this ever-flowing hypocrisy. What the hell does it matter that a mosque is being built near the site? You don’t have to go there and worship. It’s not like because it is near Ground Zero you are going to be forced to join a cipher and recite knowledge.

I do know why Americans are up in arms about this; I just don’t support your ignorance. And before you think that I am insensitive to the situation, please understand that I felt the loss of over 400 firefighters and over 130 cops just like you did. I stood on Williamson Rd. for a couple of Saturday’s collecting money to send to the FDNY. I participated in memorials and vigils when I was a Roanoke City firefighter. I just can’t and won’t accept ignorance. So the vast majority of Americans are offended because a FEW Muslims were responsible for the September 11 attacks and now they are erecting a mosque near the site. Truthfully Speaking, let me ask a question. Where was the marching and protesting when there were a couple of churches built near the Oklahoma City bombing sites? I mean, they were Christians and went to church just like you. I don’t recall seeing that protest all over the paper. I must have missed that one. Let me ask you another question. What if what happened to the World Trade Center was performed by some Catholic religious sect? Would we be vilifying ever devout Catholic that we came across? Hell, Catholic priests pop little boys like they are Tic-Tacs, but I don’t see that entire religion under fire. Maybe it’s just me though. Individuals should be held accountable for individual actions. I truly believe that you can’t denigrate an entire race, creed or religion for the actions of a few.

During my first year with the Fire Department, my station responded to a call around 11 or so at night. My cousin and I worked at the same station and were the only people of “color” on shift. When we walked into the kitchen, there was a noose hanging from the door. Needless to say, we were two pissed individuals. The person that hung the noose stated that it was just a joke and he didn’t know that we would take it so serious. Ignorance. What was more ignorant was the fact that I was moved from the station soon thereafter basically because of the volatile mood and the fact that they probably didn’t want two “brothers” together. Nothing ever happened to the man that hung the noose on the door. I said all of that to say this; I could have gone the rest of my life and treated every tobacco spitting, backwoods country boy that I met the same way. I also would have missed out on some wonderful people and the friendships thereafter. The Truth is this, the time for blaming groups for the actions of individuals is played and all it does is perpetuate the hate and ignorance that has plagued not only this country, but the entire world for generations. That my friends, is going to truly lead to Self-Destruction. That’s my Truth and I am sticking to it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.