Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Got a Story to Tell

Happy Thursday everyone. A few months ago, I was reading back over a poem that I wrote and that was what birthed The Truth. I have been receiving emails asking who am I and what drives me to be so blunt. Maybe this will give you a deeper insight into me. Enjoy.

I Got a Story to Tell

Listen, I got a story to tell
About a boy growing up living in a mental hell
About a man that made it to the top then slipped and fell
Yeah, I got a story to tell

I was a boy that looked at the world as half full, never half empty
That all changed one summer when the babysitter sent me
Up to his room at the top of the house
And told me he’d kill me if I ever opened my mouth
At six years old I was taken like somebody’s wife
That man just doesn’t realize how he changed my life
You see, that one event took my ability to love and feel
Until I found out that if I asked, my wounds would be healed

Man, I got a story to tell
About a man that lived his life trapped in a shell
This man left his home when he was just 14 years old
Because he was tired of eating leftover pizza crusts and sleeping in the cold
So he resorted to street corners and started selling drugs
Until he witnessed a man’s brains blown out by a .38 slug
Having to see the grief of that family was almost too much to bear
So he dug deeper in his shell just to act like he didn’t care
But then he started being haunted by nightmares and dreams
Until he found the one thing in the world that promised to make him clean

I don’t think that you realize, I got a story to tell
I was that boy and man and I almost fell
Until I realized why I had to be the one to go through
What I did, when I did, how I did, HE knew he would bring me through
Because I am Chosen, Chosen for greatness and success
Chosen for prosperity, I am truly blessed
For I am a living testimony to what trials and tribulations can bring
Blessings, just listen to the poems that I write and to the songs that I sing
So, my story is now emptied and I am out of my mental drought
Because I know that I am a surviving witness and testimony to how Jesus can bring you out.