Friday, August 6, 2010

The Chicken or the Egg?

What Came First; The Chicken or the Egg?

Today is Friday and I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. I figured I would leave everyone with a gem today so that you have a few days to digest and contemplate. I just want to thank everyone for their continued support. I write this for me, but it feels good to know that the revolution is being followed, talked about and supported. Thanks again and enjoy. The Truth.

So, I get a lot of emails pertaining to relationships and infidelity. People want to know who is to blame. Who is really at fault? The best answer that I could come up with is actually a question. What came first; the chicken or the egg? I have figured out that when you can answer that question, 85% of your relationship issues will be resolved. Sounds easy doesn’t it?

So, what came first; the chicken or the egg? Let’s first break it down scientifically. There is a key chicken protein, ovocleidin-17, which helps in the formation of the egg’s hard shell and actually comes both before and after the egg shell. So that means that the chicken comes first right? Not exactly. That fact actually perpetuates the circle of the question. Let me make it a little realer for you. What came first; were there issues in the relationship or was there infidelity that caused the issues? Did unresolved issues cause your significant other to step in the name of love or did his/her stomping of the yard cause unresolved issues? What came first; the chicken or the egg? Did your constant complaining, non-support, late nights, early mornings, lack of communication, type of communication or anything else that people use for an excuse cause the infidelity or did the infidelity cause all of the above? What came first; the chicken or the egg? Which birthed the other?

What came first; the chicken or the egg? Are you tired of my latest mind-screw? Good. Truthfully Speaking, the answer is this. What the hell does it matter? Honestly. Does it really matter what came first? It’s just a question of continued cause and consequence, but it’s that same logic and senseless analysis that we use in relationships. The Truth is this; you are going to eat both regardless of what came first. Is that really going to change the way that you prepare your meals? I would hope not…lol. If you really wanted a relationship to work, it doesn’t matter what happened first, it’s what are you going to do to resolve the issue. Truthfully Speaking, sometimes we spend so much time blaming other people that we can’t see our part in things. By nature, a lot of us get so defensive that instead of listening and taking it in, we lash out and start to tell others what THEY did wrong. A perpetuated circle of blame that solves nothing. A lot of ns need to do 180 and not a 360. I say a 180 because that actually changes a path; if you perform a 360 you will be back in the same place that you were before. Just a free gem for the day…lol. So, what came first; the chicken or the egg? The Truth is this, who the hell cares? That’s MY Truth and I like it fried or scrambled with cheese. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.