Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You Can't Handle the Truth

You Can’t Handle the Truth

Happy Hump Day to everyone. I pray that you guys have had a blessed week and that it only gets better. Based on emails and comments I have received, I am going to go into my series called, “A Few Good Men”. The series will discuss various relationship topics from my perspective, but the subjects are coming from emails that I have received. Buckle your seatbelts, tell your neighbors and prepare for the Truth.

What is the Truth? Truth can be defined as “conformity with fact or reality; verity; actuality or actual existence; an obvious or accepted fact. I guess my next question would be, can you really handle the truth? We all think that we can, but when confronted with it, how do you react? And if you can’t handle the truth, why do you really want it?

I think that we are naturally inclined to want the truth, but not naturally inclined to accept it. Or even tell it for that matter. The truth can be harsh and while it is easy for some to tell it, it is usually a difficult thing to tell someone the truth. The reason for that is because of feelings. Unless you are just a no-nonsense type of person, you do actually care about the feelings of others. And no matter how much dirt you do, you still have a heart. Truthfully Speaking, you can’t handle the truth though.

If you have character flaws, are you really ready for someone to run them down the list to you? Are you honestly ready for someone to tell you that you talk too much, don’t listen enough, you gossip, you don’t provide enough for your family, you need to lose weight, you need to gain weight, you snore in your sleep, you talk in your sleep, you aren’t the man they thought you were, you aren’t the woman you used to be, you can’t sing, you can’t dance, you can’t cook, you can’t clean, you cant, you aren’t, you don’t or you never will be? Are you honestly ready to deal with that? Can you handle the truth? What someone may deem as telling you the truth may be easily perceived as a personal attack. Can you handle the truth?? They say that there is a thin line between love and hate. I believe that there is a thin line between love and the truth. Lying to someone and not telling them the truth is two totally different things, but that is another conversation. I want you to marinate on all of that, but I do want to leave you with something to ponder. Truthfully Speaking, what if I said that he/she lies to you because they love you??? That is my Truth and I am sticking by it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.