Thursday, July 29, 2010

Try Suing for a Broken Heart

I guess this is litigation week for me. A lot of things concerning the law, lawsuits, prison and just the “system” in general are bothering me for some reason. I have a lot of topics to discuss and may just post a couple today to get them all out there. Before continuing with this one, I would like to say this. Women, I love you. I really do. I know that us men do some foul things, but whew….you guys take it to another level when you are scorned. It’s all love though and we still love you. So do I….lol. Enjoy.

I have heard of a lot of crazy things that people have sued for. A man sued McDonalds because he ordered a cup of coffee from the drive-thru, drove off and when he made a turn down the street, his coffee spilled. He sued McDonalds because his coffee was too hot. And WON! Another man broke into a house and cut himself on the window that HE broke to get into the house. After he was caught, charged and served a little time, he sued the family for damage to his arm and hands. And WON! See, I thought I had seen and heard it all. But was I wrong. Siohvaughn Wade, the now ex-wife of Heat guard DeWayne Wade, is suing Gabrielle Union for causing undo stress due to the affair that she was having with D-Wade while he was separated from his wife. Wow. Talk about taking it personal? I can see and understand her fleecing him for the loot even though she hasn’t picked up a basketball in her life. I can even partially see her getting half of everything he has. There was no pre-nup ever signed and she has been with him since high school. But to sue the other woman??? That’s taking it to the extreme. And it’s downright vindictive. Yes, it was wrong to enter in a relationship that wasn’t legally dissolved, but build a bridge and get over it. Why didn’t she sue Serena Williams? Why didn’t she sue Star Jones? Her not filing against those two leads me to believe that it is personal.

I think this is all hilarious. Sad, but hilarious. I read a lot of comments about this story and women have been just on the former Mrs. Wade’s side. That’s all fine and good. Women unite, Wonder-Twin powers activate, do whatever it is that you women do when you come together for each other. The funny part to me is this. You guys will come together, have a waiting to exhale party, the war council will be convened and then what do you do? You turn on the radio and listen to music that will get you through it. Put your mind in a different place. Something that will help you cope, cry and continue. You will turn on Alicia Keys and at the top of your non-singing lungs, you will belt out Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart. Or Falling. A Woman’s Worth, Unbreakable or Like You’ll Never See Me Again. And guess what? She did the same thing that you are so angry at. She got PREGNANT by a married man. So are you supporting the act or the music? Which one? Is there a difference when it doesn’t DIRECTLY affect you? Just something to ponder on. I can’t see myself with my crew and we are having a deep conversation about the fact that there are so many Undercover Brothers now in the world while listening to Elton Johm, Wham or even Ja Rule featuring Usher…lol. But maybe I think too deep.

The Truth is this, ish happens and it stinks, but that doesn’t mean that you should be compensated for every thing that happens to you. Should rape victims be allowed to sue their rapists for the mental and physical problems that they undoubtedly will endure? Should adopted kids be allowed to sue the parents that gave them away all because they feel like they have been missing something all of these years? Ish happens. That’s MY truth and I am sticking to it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.