Thursday, July 29, 2010

Full Metal Jacket

You guys are lucky. Today you get two entries. Based off of the blog and responses from yesterday, I have decided to give my take on prison and the whole eye for an eye mentality. Enjoy.

Going back to Old Testament times, eye for an eye has been a part of our culture for a long time. Capital punishment was birthed out of that same ideology. You commit a capital crime in some states and you pay for it with your life. Some pundits will argue that capital punishment is inhumane. Inhumane? No. Just not cost efficient in a time where the national deficit is in the trillions. If a man/woman kills someone in cold blood, there is irrefutable evidence against them or they have admitted to it, bring on the electricity. We shouldn’t have them on death row for 15 years while some lawyer tries to exhaust every appeal available. Turn on the gas and lullaby them. Rock-a-bye baby. I think that rapists should either be locked in a cell with other rapists, given a lifetime supply of Viagra and gay porn or forced to enter cucumbers in their rectum and then have it sewn closed. But enough of my tangent because I really do have a great idea for our ever growing prison system and I really think that it could work.

While we are in a time of war and our military is being depleted, why not sentence a lot of the non-violent or less violent prisoners to the military. When we go to a place where our “volunteered” soldiers are being slaughtered daily, why not train these prisoners and send them over there to fight? If you have been sentenced to five to ten for armed robbery, can’t you take those same skills and fight for your country? I read all of the time about how over-crowded prison is and about how much money it costs to house a prisoner. Tax-payer money. Let’s start forcing them to make a contribution to society instead of bleeding it dry. I know a lot of people will ask, “what if they try to escape?” That is easy. Attach lo-jacks to them so that there every move is tracked. If they don’t fulfill the specified requirement, it will be added to their sentence, will be considered a strike and back to prison they go. We need to try something. If someone is killed in my family or in my inner circle, it is not going to make me feel any better watching that person get sentenced to death and it definitely won’t bring back my loved one. The current system that we have does nothing for rehabilitation; it just creates better and meaner criminals. Truthfully Speaking, some people deserve a second chance. Why not let them prove that they can handle it? That’s MY truth and I am sticking to it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.