Wednesday, July 28, 2010


  I wish I could say Happy Hump Day, but Truthfully, I am pissed today. I have a lot on my mind and my subject today will reflect that. Enjoy. 

  Innocent by law, guilty when it comes to money. I can find you innocent in a court of law, but financially you are culpable and responsible. Hmmm. Orenthal James Simpson. Not guilty verdict, but he lost a civil suit for the same crime because he was deemed "responsible" for the death of Nicole Simpson. Kobe Bryant. Not guilty for the rape of a Colorado woman, but forced to pay her money due to her suffering. Tragic. Tragic!

  Yesterday, the civil suit against the NYPD and the State of New York in regards to the vicious slaying of Sean Bell was settled for an estimated 7 million dollars. If you haven't heard of the case, Sean Bell was shot approximately 50 times by the NYPD after leaving a nightclub the night before his wedding. An NYPD officer THOUGHT that he heard Mr. Bell and his friends say they had a gun. He called for backup, Mr. Bell tries to leave the scene, taps a police car with his own car and they fill the car with 50 shots. Sad right?  But it gets better. The three officers on trial for shooting him are acquitted of the murder!!  Fast forward 4 years. 7 million dollars. They were found not guilty, but money is being paid out because it was deemed "civilly" as an unjustified homicide. Can someone please explain to me how this makes ANY SENSE???  If not, let me put it into another context for you. Back in the days of slavery, if another plantation owner killed someone else's slave, they would be found not guilty as far as criminal charges, but they would pay "restitution" to the other plantation owner. You can't prove that I hung him, but I will pay for the wages you have lost, the breeder that you have lost, the manual labor you have lost and the cotton that hasn't been been picked because of this incident. Well guess what, Truthfully Speaking, Mandingo is still alive and so is that cotton picking, slave/master mentality.  Chicken George is still hobbling around with one foot and Kunte Kinte is STILL trying to convince everyone that his name is not Toby. And I personally, am sick and damn tired of it. That's my Truth and I really wish it wasn't. Love God, Love You and Love people.