Thursday, July 15, 2010

Truthfully Speaking

Happy Thursday everyone. Below is one of the many questions that I have received and I could never be happier. I see that this this is taking off. Keep sending them and I promise that even if I don't feature it on here, I will answer back.

Dear Truthfully Speaking,

I am a 38 year old man and my wife just recently told me that she is pregnant. We have been trying for many years to have a child and I have been told repeatedly by doctors that I can't have a child. One side of me is happy and the other side is skeptical. How should I discuss this with my wife???

Roger B./Galveston, TX

Dear Roger,

First of all I want to thank you for the question and also keeping up with my blog. Much love to you. Now, as far as your question goes, either way it is not going to be easy. On one hand, the worst thing that you can ever do is insinuate that your significant other has had an affair without any solid proof. You may think that you are just voicing your concerns, but all she is going to hear is, "Who have you been sleeping with and how stupid do you think that I am to believe that this is my child?" That is ALL she is going to take from that conversation. On the other hand, if you don't get some kind of resolution or reassurance, you will constantly have that in your head and you will not fully embrace this blessing. Hmmmm....what to do, what to do??? Truthfully Speaking, I would wait, sit back and enjoy. God works in mysterious ways and when man says no, God is always able to say yes. This honestly may be your blessing so embrace it and enjoy it. Regardless, if your love your wife, try your best to just be supportive and be the best father you can be. Someone once told me that you can't unspill spilled milk. I will leave you with that. I pray that everything works out for you and your family. Thank you again for your support and remember, Love God, Love You and Love People.