Thursday, July 15, 2010

I That Baby's Pappy

Every now I then, I don’t tell the whole Truth. Sometimes I try to be politically correct as not to offend those that are following history in the making. Well…..that can’t happen anymore. People tune in to The Truth because that’s what they want to hear. Good, Bad and the Ugly. So that being said, I am going to tackle the question that I answered earlier with a little more Truth. (I already sent Roger an email telling him that while I stand by everything that I said, I realized that I didn’t give him the whole truth)

First of all, I do stand by what I said. I think that either way it’s a blessing. But let’s get to the meat of the matter. Truthfully Speaking, people are shady sometimes. I understand loving someone unconditionally and all of that. I get it. And yes, God can say YES when man has said no. But let’s look at this from real talk instead of the divinity point of view. If a man has been to many doctors and ALL of them have said that his soldiers can’t fight, his woman then pops up preggo, there’s an 85% chance that someone else has had their hands on her Eggo. Now, you can choose to play the Joseph role and save her the public embarrassment and stand up and say “I That Baby’s Pappy!!”, but it still is what it is. Truthfully Speaking, give the man a choice. You never know what may happen. Depending on the man, you nor the baby may survive the wrath of the man. Unfortunate, but real. Us men have certain things that double-standards apply to that are just crazy. But that is for another blog. The thing that I don’t get is that “some” women will pass a child off on another man, he raises it like it’s his child and then something happens and he finds out it’s not his child. Do you know that in most states, he is STILL responsible for child support? And don’t forget the emotional bond that has been formed. So is he wrong if he doesn’t want anything to do with either of them anymore? So maybe if you have doubts a blood test when the baby is born is not so far fetched. I also think that you should use common sense though. Regardless of what the doctors have said to you; if the baby pops out and has the same water head, facial features and birthmark as you do, please don’t ask for a paternity test. You may then be paying child-support AND alimony. Cheaper to keep her.

In all seriousness, having a child is a blessing. I know that we sometimes ask why others more blessed than us, but that is the way of the world. I pray that everything works out for Roger either way. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.