Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Truthfully Speaking

So.....I was reading the current copy of Ebony magazine and saw that Zane is doing an Ask Zane segment. A woman wrote in and stated that her man wasn't satisfying her. She wanted to know how should she handle the situation and if she just flat out tell him that he isn't hitting on anything. Hmmmm. Well, Zane's advice was to not tell him straight out like that (kinda agree), but also to just start fantasizing about other men while they were being intimate. Wow!!! The first part I can get with. That is a definite kiss of death if you tell your significant other that you are not satisfying me. There are ways to drop hints and say it so that no feelings are hurt. If you truly care about that person, NEVER just blurt that out. It's like if your spouse or significant other has gained a few pounds. You can suggest you go workout together. Take a walk. You shouldn't just blurt out, "Damn you’re getting fat. You need cut back on the Doritos and start drinking Diet Water". Just not cool.
Secondly, the advice to fantasize about someone else while with your partner is the worst ever. And the most dangerous. If it takes you thinking about someone else while your man/woman is doing their thing, it's time to pack it up and move it out. What if you are caught up in the moment and you call Tyrone? Then we will be reading about you in the news and I will be writing another blog about domestic violence. And ladies, what if you and your man just had 4th of July, mind blowing, sparks flying sex. You ask him what got into him and he says that he was thinking about Ms. Parker across the street. Hey Ms. Parker....when we gonna f.....sorry. I digress. Not a good look either way.
Truthfully Speaking, I would have answered the question like this. If you love this person and want it to work, make it work. If it was bad before, then you knew what you were getting from jump. If something has changed, then try to add fuel back to flame. And don't wait until you are mad to all of a sudden decide to attack his manhood or her womanhood. That will catch one of you a case...or a box. Forward your questions from now on to Truthfully Speaking, newlifepoet@gmail.com. I got you. That's the Truth and I am sticking to it. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.
The Poetic One