Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Suicide Journals...Letter 5

Letter 5

To You,

I’m sorry this letter has to find you in this way, but my last words were only meant for you. Since you will never hear it from my voice again, I just wanted to tell you for the last time that I love you and that I’m sorry for any pain that I have ever caused you. It has been said that it is better to lose love than to love a loser. I agree with that statement whole-heartedly and the loser that you loved will soon be leaving the building. Along with me, I will be taking disappointment caused, promises broken, hearts destroyed and children unborn with me to a place unknown. Although it was not always shown in the correct fashion, my love for you was always real. My own personal demons sometimes deterred me from being the love that you needed and wanted. I honestly can’t take any of that back, but I do apologize with everything that is within me. In my last moments I will choose to remember your smile, the way that you said my name and all of the beautiful times that we had. The pain that you have had to endure at the hands of me will soon be replaced by the best gift that I could ever bestow upon you; true freedom.