Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Suicide Journals...Letter 3

Letter 3

To My Parents,

I wanted to write this final letter to you in order to explain how I have been feeling. I know that people will look at our relationship over the past few years and may see a very happy family. We have always kept our business in-house and that has been something that I respect the most about you two. It’s that same in-house mentality though that has caused me to draw further and further into my shell. There have been so many things that I have wanted to say over the years, but because I could see that the two of you have either moved on or forgotten, I have let it fester and destroy my mind. Who could I tell that the anger from my youth has never dissipated? Who could I go to about all of the disappointment that is still weighing down my heart? The few people that I have tried to talk to always say let it go, but it is just not that simple. I look at the two of you sometimes and I miss the child that once was and I get bitter all over again. Your addictions caused me to become a fiend and the detoxification that I have been searching for is nowhere to be found. Hurt children grow to be broken adults and my pieces are scattered all over.

I will end this by saying that I love you both, but I miss me even more. Resentment just did a swan dive off of the highest peak of my heart. Rest in Peace.