Monday, September 13, 2010

Real Fake

Real Fake

Another week, another dose of the Truth. This week I will be discussing relationships, love and all of the in between. I hope that you keep an open mind and just remember that this is all my opinion and I give it the way I want to lol. Enjoy.

I attended the Let’s Talk gathering on Saturday night and while it was very well put together, I did have issues with some of the panel members “advice” and thought process. I will be discussing some of them throughout the week, but today is just going to be based on a remark that I heard from the women’s panel.

So the statement basically stated that this woman, as a single 30 something professional has standards that keep her single because the pickings are slim. I agree with having standards because everyone likes what they like, but my issue is when you feel that as a woman you don’t have to or SHOULDN’T have to compromise your standards because you feel as though you have it all together. Maybe THAT’S why a lot of you are single. I have noticed that the new independent woman feels as though her standards are law, but men should accept you as you are and THAT is Brittney Spears. You want a man that has a career, has a car, has a house, is not in debt, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, looks good in a suit, but not too good because you don’t want him to outshine you, has a retirement plan, has a 401k, invested in stocks, doesn’t have kids, wants kids, is able to take you on trips and vacations on a whim, has nice teeth, is honest, doesn’t cheat and has a great relationship with his family, especially his mother. You are not looking for a man; you are looking for a come-up. You are looking for Captain Save-a-….you get the point. What’s funny is that you want all of that, feel that you DESERVE all of that, but for the most part, most of you don’t have that. That’s where we hear the argument that men are supposed to take care of the woman, but that only applies when YOU want it to. You will get mad at a man and call him fake if he fronts like he has all of that and more, but as soon as some of you meet a man you are the fakest in the relationship. You are wearing a weave; you’re hair is not that long. You are wearing colored contacts; you’re eyes are not that color. You are wearing a push-up bra; you’re breasts aren’t that big. You are wearing heels; you are not that tall. So everything in your appearance is a lie, but you expect a man to be nothing but the truth to you? How can you be working a temp job for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, but you won’t date a man that doesn’t wear a suit to work every day? Truthfully Speaking, a lot of you need to check yourself. You are looking for perfection where there is none. The perfect man for you may have just drove by your house in a truck emptying your garbage or just served you lunch at that upscale restaurant you went to for dinner. Limiting your options can limit your happiness. That’s my Truth and to tell the Truth, I am perfectly imperfect. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.