Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'll Bust the Window's Out Your Car

I’ll Bust the Windows Your Car

If you like the way I tell the Truth, check out “The Conversation” Venus vs. Mars on Saturday, September 11, 2010 from 7:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. It will be held at Shaal’s Metamorphosis (402 S. Jefferson St., Roanoke, Va. I am not participating on the panel, but it will be a great forum about relationships. Shoot me an email at and I will get you pointed into the right direction. Enjoy.

Ok, so I was listening to Marsia Ambrosia’s new single “I Hope She
Cheats on You (with a Basketball Player)” and it just touched something in me. I listen to a lot of music daily and I realized that the tone of certain songs that women have been releasing would not be tolerated if they were recorded by men. We would have all kinds of groups boycotting us. Anybody remember Nelly’s Tip Drill video? I know the fellas remember the credit card scene…lol. Well, the song was a success as was the album and he was going to a college for a concert and was boycotted by the women on campus for exploitation of women in his video. I have an issue with that. The women in the video were not being exploited because they are GROWN and it was their decision. I don’t see women standing in front of strip clubs boycotting the owners because the women in there are being exploited, but I digress. Back to my original beef; is it me, or are women becoming very vindictive in their music lately? We all know that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but really? Would I get airplay if I recorded a song like, “I Hope You Get the Virus (From Tyrone Down the Street)”. I honestly doubt that I would. Or what if a man had recorded “I’ll Bust the Windows Out Your Car”? There would be all kinds of domestic violence protests going on. And truth be told, men do have an issue with anger that sometimes bubbles over into violence. I would be a fool to say that we don’t, but ladies, you guys take it to another level. Busting windows out of cars, slashing tires, keying the ride, showing up at your man’s job with a gay man inside of a birthday cake……sorry, I digress, but you get the point.

Truthfully Speaking, we censor the wrong things. BET will censor a video with women half dressed, but will show Nicki Minaj half naked on the BET Awards…hmmm. True story, I was watching Biography channel the other night and they had a special about the Ku Klux Klan. I swear I heard the word Nigger over 100 times, but they censored the word “ass”. What the frank and beans is that about? They showed a letter written to the FBI, highlighted Nigger five times in the letter, but blurred out the word “ass” numerous times. All I can say to that is wow. Well, that ends my venting for today…lol. That’s my Truth and I will be releasing a mixtape called “Ike’s Greatest Hits” and it will have Tina Turner on the cover. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.