Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bottom of the Barrel

Bottom of the Barrel

If you like the way I tell the Truth, check out “The Conversation” Venus vs. Mars on Saturday, September 11, 2010 from 7:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. It will be held at Shaal’s Metamorphosis (402 S. Jefferson St., Roanoke, Va. I am not participating on the panel, but it will be a great forum about relationships. Shoot me an email at newlifepoet@gmail.com and I will get you pointed into the right direction. Enjoy.

My mentality about life has always been that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. The Notorious BIG taught me a long time ago that bad boys move in silence. One thing that I have started to notice while sitting back and truly observing people is that most of them have a crab in bucket disposition. My father used to always speak about Uncle Toms when I was younger and I used to just attribute it to the times that he grew up in. He always had this natural distrust about people that seemed too nice or were always in your face smiling. As I think back, I have realized how much that affected my trust of people and how I viewed people’s true intentions. What I have realized is that although I have a natural calm and nice disposition myself; my father was not that crazy in what he believed.

Today I am being introspective and only talking about me and the things that I have noticed. Too many times I have wondered why jealousy occurs and why we try to (even if we are not aware of it) hold people back. Now, I watch a lot of Discovery Channel and History Channel shows. I watched a show about fishermen on the sea and they were trying to catch as many crabs in order to maximize earning potential for the crew. I watched in awe as they loaded these crabs in barrels and I saw that these crabs were fighting to get out of the jail that they were in. They would constantly pull the crab at the top until it fell back down amongst its peers. This would go on and on and on; climb to the top and then be pulled back down. Every crab was for itself; survival of the fittest you might even say. Watching all of this, I started to think about life and us. Why wouldn’t the crabs allow one to get out and then that crab pull out the next and so on and so forth? Why wouldn’t they form a chain and allow the ones at the bottom to climb over them so that they all could get out safely?

The crabs, like us, don’t trust the ones at the top to come back for them or help them. Maybe learned behavior has shown them that if they escape, they will forget about the ones that they left behind. My question to myself is this; why should we expect them to come back? If they made it to the top, albeit by using the backs of others, why can’t we do the same? Fear? Maybe it’s the feeling that if you are at the bottom, once everyone else gets out, you getting to the top just makes it that much harder. To me, that is just the type of the thing that will make me stronger. I have come to the conclusion that we have all had this dilemma, but I am positive that we are all going to overcome it somehow; someway. Truthfully Speaking, I love the idea that I may be at the bottom of the barrel right now compared to others. That just means that they will be the first ones eaten…lol. That’s my Truth and my claws are just getting sharper and stronger. Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.