Friday, August 27, 2010

Finally...A Moment of Clarity

I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend. I decided to end the week with something poetic. I really appreciate all of the feedback and comments that I have been receiving. I do this for you so keep enjoying and I will keep writing. Enjoy.

Finally…A Moment of Clarity

The grief that absorbed a piece of her heart
Fell slowly to the wind like an autumn leaf
As I stood over her I could feel the waves of pleasure crashing over me
The tears that gravity took hold of are falling and her eyes are now red
As she lies on the bed, I gently brush my hand across her head
She cries.
I wipe away the moisture and look into the windows of her soul and see love still there
There is still the closeness we share, but it’s the hurt that I feel coming from her glare
I return her stare
As she begins to open up to me, I once again feel her warmth oozing all around me
I position myself in order to get as deep as I could with her, but far enough away to be out of her complete grasp
Looking up at me, a small laugh escapes her
The sensation that’s building is getting too strong to hold
And as I drift closer to the edge, the heat is now suddenly replaced by cold
With one more slight touch I tense up and stare through the ceiling to the roof
I finally release it. I finally let go.
I finally tell the truth.