Friday, June 17, 2011

And You Thought You Knew

And You Thought You Knew

Today, there will be no disclaimers other than the thoughts and questions that you will read are strictly from the mind of an intelligent man that reads the Bible and other religious writings constantly. That being said, let’s commence.

What if life truly is a game? What if God is like a big kid with a magnifying glass causing destruction on an ant hill? I have been watching the Supernatural television series and a lot of the plots made perfect sense to me. What has amazed me is that they are telling people things that they have either forgotten, don’t know or refuse to believe. I have been reading a lot lately and questions just keep popping up into my spirit. It’s not that I am NOT a believer; it’s just that I have always had a hard time accepting one source as being finality. My question is this and has always been this; if God is ruler and creator over everything, why does evil even exist? We constantly get told that all things work for the good of those that love God. People will quote that scripture over and over and over, but they don’t finish it most times. It’s the BUT, or the caveat to the scripture that messes me up. The rest reads, “to those who are called according to His purpose.” Now, I consider myself Chosen, but is that saying if I wasn’t chosen, then the bad things that have happened to me are just bad things that happened to me and will not work to make me better?

Ok…let’s leave that one alone for now and let’s go back to the beginning. If God is truly forgiveness, then why are we still being punished for the sins of Adam and Eve? I mean, I understand Eve messed up, ate the fruit from the Tree of Life and Knowledge and then turned around gave it to Adam, but couldn’t we get a do-over? Instead of cursing generation upon generation upon generation, couldn’t we get a second chance on that one? Forgiveness practiced? Maybe others just don’t see this stuff as I do. Being a leader, I was taught to lead by example; if I want you to work hard, I let you see me working hard. I think that I am just tired of all of the evil and vile things going on in the world. There is a part of me that knows that in order for us to appreciate the good then we have to experience evil. I get that. There is also a part of me that is troubled by God allowing Satan to tempt Job just to prove a point. In simpler terms, I would never allow Denzel Washington full access to my woman just to prove that she loves me. Just wouldn’t happen.

Personally, I can believe and follow without destruction, famine and evil. If the scripture says love thy neighbor, take away hatred. Wouldn’t it be easier to take away all of the bad, replace it with good and live in love? Can’t we just live as Stepford wives and wallow in perfection? Wouldn’t that be heaven in its purest form? If God knew all and knows all, why not fix our minds to just live according to Him? Adam and Eve were born with no choices so why can’t we really get back to Eden? I honestly just want to know what the end game is. I keep thinking that if I keep praying, keep asking, keep writing and keep seeking the Truth, then all of these questions will be answered for me.

As I sit here in the dark writing this, my mind keeps going back to something my grandmother used to say to me. She would always say that God makes no mistakes. God makes no mistakes. When I got older, people would hear my story and say God makes no mistakes. I have lost many people in my life, some young, and I always hear the pastor say, God makes no mistakes. My final thought and question is this; if God makes no mistakes, did Satan slip through the cracks or is he imperfectly perfect? As a self-proclaimed pseudo philosopher, I have a theory that probably won’t be popular among religious people. It probably won’t be used in a thesis paper. It may even get me banned from attending church…lol, but I will leave you with this to ponder over and ascertain its merits. I truly do believe that God makes no mistakes and that Satan is more God’s peer than enemy. In a world that has seen many wars and conflicts, one thing that I have grown to realize is that we are, always have been and always will be based on opposites. In order to know that there is daylight, you have to experience darkness. In order for you know that there is white, you had to see black. In order to know that it is hot, you had to experience cold in your life. Love/Hate, Democrat/Republican, Tall/Short, Ike/Tina, Michael Jackson/Prince; whichever one you relate to, all opposite. God doesn’t make mistakes and truly, God does know all. Satan was a creation in order to make us appreciate and love God. He wouldn’t have been created if he didn’t have a purpose because as I stated before, God doesn’t make mistakes. I take solace in the fact that God doesn’t make mistakes and that he knows all because He KNEW that I would eventually write this and I know that the mind that he has given me is NO mistake. I can live with that fact; can you? Remember, Love God, Love You and Love people.