Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Birds Meet The Bees...Verbal Foreplay

The Birds Meet The Bees Series (Verbal Foreplay)

“Legs in the air with high heels on is a beautiful vision, but her mind wrapped around my heart is the sexiest sight ever – Da Truth

As people, we are very visual beings. We weep at sunsets. We smile at beautiful babies. Women get excited when seeing a man with a six-pack and men salivate when seeing a woman’s legs in the air accompanied by a sexy pair of high heels. Ask any man and more than 95% will attest to this fact, but ask those same men what turns them on and only about 3% will state that it is something non-visual. Now, don’t get me wrong or get it twisted; as a man I am very visual, but I also get turned on the most by the mental connection. The problem seems to be that we as men tend to be lazy when it comes to breaking down walls in order to delve into a woman’s mind. Here is my free advice for all of my brothers out there. Capture a woman’s mind and you will get a glimpse of her heart. Look deep into her heart and she may allow you to take a walk with her spirit. Take a walk with her spirit and she may then allow you to hold hands with her soul. Hold hands with her soul and you will undoubtedly find the map that will show you how to please her physically. It sounds like a lot of work, but we need to realize that foreplay is more than kissing her or touching spots on her body. Take the time to learn all of her and you will in turn receive all of her. To get you started, I will give you a small example on how to verbally initiate foreplay with that special woman in your life.
“Let me penetrate your heart, make love to your mind and cum all over your soul in order to impregnate our forever” – Da Truth
Now, if you decide to use that in some variation, make sure that when you finish whispering that phrase in her ear, you take a deep breath and softly say, “Truthfully Speaking”. THAT should get her THERE for you…lol. Take heed, take your time and take it slow.